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03-08-61 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-08-61 Council Minutes
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i~~rular i(eetirz f:4a:rch ~ l~_ <br />'dyes - q. ways - 0 <br />`1'he resolution. eras adopted. <br />I',l:r. V:i.ctor Gorden of Little Canada Poad_9 brought up 't;l?e quesL-ion of <br />install:Lng san:ita:ry sowers in the Vi:Llag~e. At th.e request of iViro Spooner9 Actin„ <br />iviayor9 the Village .littorney made a report o£ bhe Sewer study so .far as it Kara <br />pro;xessed up to date. :tre pointed out that a:Lthoug'rz an engineer can plan the pk~,ys:ica7. <br />ckzaracte:ri;;tics and requirements of a sewer systomy the matter o:C deterrnining how it <br />shall be psLid and vrhebher the p:rojoct :Ls :Ceasiblo from a s$r.~ndpo"a:nt oS' basic goverrr- <br />:nenaal policies9 met:nocls of a.;sessmezrt, debt load- on bhe conunun:i.ty azid. other similar. <br />factors are community dee:i.sions which must be made by bhe Council with bkze ho:l.p of all <br />the bechnica:l advise i.t can obba,in~ iVlany questions here askeCt by the aud9.ence and most <br />o:C th,cse questions could not be sati.sfactoril.y rJatisvrered because ai -the fa,ot the Council <br />had n.ot progressed feu' enough to have obtained the in£'ormat:ioz2 n.ecessa:cy. <br />Upon motion by Viba7.e9 seconded by i,oefflers a.'l: eras <br />">31;SOZ~fLD9 that the Council. hnd the Advisory I'larzning <br />Connni:.~sion attempt to acqui_ro suf:F:iciena .i.nfornration so <br />tb.a.b an infoxlna:l. hearing could be set up :Co:r 'the citizens <br />cC the Village in. June." <br />I~ycrs - ¢ iSays - o <br />1'hc resolution vras adopted. <br />Plir.. Louis „esperseny the Village 13oad Super:in'bendent9 requested that <br />the Vil.lab4 roads be posted for Sp.r:ing load :Limits. <br />Upon motion by Losff:Ler~ seconded. by Vitaley :i.t was <br />"dSOLVi';ll, thab the Cou~aty n.gineer's office be advised 'to <br />post the follovr:ing named Village str'ee'ts for a three ~5~ 'ton <br />ax::l.e ereight limit: <br />NOe1 ])r1V8 <br />1'711 13oaci <br />Jackson Street - Y4o. <br />L:i the Canada ltd. <br />1Zose Lane <br />7:,avage Lane <br />G:ceen 73r9_er <br />1. abo'r~e ioad <br />A1..LeY1 Avenue <br />of I32 <br />Owasso t3oulevaxd <br />i;Iorri.sorz Ave:. - No. and ;o. of <br />Dernont <br />Iona <br />and that 'the Clerk: foxl~rard a ropy' of th:i.s resolution 'to the <br />Couxzi;y ft'zgin.eer with instructions that it is to false effec't- <br />on il'IEa.rch. 15, 1961," <br />Ayes-4 Nays-0 <br />T'rze; resolution eras adopted. <br />The Clerk read the annual f'inarzcial report which wa.s presented to the <br />Council. at the ivebruary Bth meeting but vrhich was not acted upon a,t that timed <br />Upon motion. by Loeffle:r.9 seconded by Spoonerq it was <br />- 2 <br />
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