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~lenulra:r. ~ee't^i,visrc~l~L <br />"RI+;SO:I:;~il+tllr that 'the a:nnua]. financial report ox° tYre Vi17.age of <br />Little Canada 1'or the year 1960 be and the same :is 1're.reby <br />approved as :first presented. to tb.e Council on 1?eb:rua:ry a, <br />1961 and as ~oub].ished :in. the it%rrnsey Cowrty ?evievr." <br />Ayes - rj. Payrs - 0 <br />The resol.ut:ion eras adop'tcd. <br />Upon motion. by V:i.'tale9 seconded by Spooner9 it vaas <br />"NTSOLVEll~ drat Vouchers 19929 1~993n 1994 and 1995 fo:r <br />Civi:L :Dc;:Cense be paid as presented. <br />.Ayes - !. Nays - 0 <br />The resolution was adopted. <br />'1'h.e Clex•]c ;oresented a rc:po:rt from the Sheriff ~ s Oz'fice covering <br />Police Service :ren.dered within the Village during the month of Eebruaxy. The report <br />eras :received and placed on file. <br />The Clerlc presented a report of Police Service rendrered by lvi. F'rattalone' <br />Village Police Offi.cery of police vrork performed by him during the montkr of February. <br />'t'his report vras received and placed on file. <br />The Clerlc presented the 1961 budget fvr Civil Defense~afte.r a short <br />discussion. this matter. vras continued m'rti7. next meeting. <br />Upon motion by Vitale, seconded 'by Loeffl.er9 it was <br />"~4t~SOLVL~'Dy thab Vouchers l~~os. 1869 through L996 be paid as followse <br />1968 L. Pl. Melancon ...........................$j.50.00 <br />19'0 VJa1'ter Coenen ........................... 1.00.00 <br />1871 John Vitale .............................. 32.90 <br />19'l?_ Carl Spooner ............................. 32.90 <br />].973 Ld.:Loeffler .............................. 32.90 <br />197q. Richard }3oss ............................. 35.00 <br />1975 Joe lruge ................................. j1.50 <br />1976 L. G. Jespersen.......< .................. a3.00 <br />1977 I.. G. Jespe_rsen .......................... 84.60 <br />197a Donald Gagne . ........................... a.'75:a <br />1979 Little Canada~llgcy...> ................... lOq..41 <br />19x0 Vernon G. Christensen......» ............. 20.00 <br />1951 ~ilalter S. Booth ~ Sons ................... 3543 <br />19x2 Northwestern Bell Te7.ephone Co........... 20.63 <br />L9a3 :hate 'Preasurer .......................... 212.63 <br />7.98q. ltzunsey County `1'reasure:r .................. 16.67 <br />19a5 Frederick P. Ieienvner ..................... 65.00 <br />19a6 Puller-Davis co .......................... 9.qs <br />~9a7 1J. J. Pennig Co .......................... 2a.a0 <br />19aa kiansen Sand & Gravel Coo ................. 27_,50 <br />19ag Nortkrern States Potiver Co ................. 30.00 <br />~99~ 0^car F+. Lonin.. ,.u.ou.o,...ooooDOO.oo.a 95~0~ <br />JJ99 119yers b'rattalone. .2 <br />-3- <br />