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r~iitC~';aS O:P' '.L'i~i. Si?;~CIAI, i 'y'P;T:C1rG <br />OI' `C1; \':I]~L(~Gl CG(7~CIL 0'1' [1'iih <br />`TILL.~G;•; OF' Ll'i,':,LL; Gti".r1'Jti <br />a x ,.- <br />The speci.a:1 meeting of 'the irillage of Little, purr>uant Lo notice <br />duly gLvett 'to the Council of Lhe 'Tillcle of LitL1e Canada t+aas held in Lhe Littler <br />Canadc. k1a11 at Q.q.O i~. L.L t; L1c Canaan road on ~°rednesday, lpril 2b, '161 at 7:00 <br />P.n4. '_i'he Following• Council members acre presents <br />;Louis "1. idelancon, P1layor9 ':'falter P. Coenert, C'leck9 John Vitale, <br />Ca:r1 Spoo;ie:c and Jsdt~aard :i3, i,oeffle:r, '.~rustees. <br />;::1;;o present, 'ticha:~^d 3oss, i!:reasu:rer; 1:{ye:r.;: ai'rsi.tta.]_o;.ie, Chief oi' Poa:ice. <br />I'rancis 1{:onstans snd Richard iicheier asked. the Council i'or perm:issi.oaz to <br />bui]_d a 1':i] s tat:ion. at the no:ctkieas b corner of li:ice Street and South C~=r so <br />ooulevard. ]:'c .s coirbemplscted th<-~b tlz:i.s station is to be leased bo a.;zd, constructed <br />by the ?~;.ob:il Ozl Company. !]'he .dlayor advised i,hese ;ooLitioners to obtiin a seb o:%' <br />plarts° tattd a descx•ipti_on o:f the property For tk,.e build:i.r,.g 'r,o be turned over to the <br />1'lann:Lng Commission for• recotmnertda,tion, <br />il_e is`~ayor read a letter from the .l~].exnnder Constc•u.ct:io;:t Company ,!skin{, pex~rti..~ai.on to <br />esL~:~bll:,h <a inl«,ck-top ,.nixing p].e=:nt on the SLa~e ;.~.,~kr:+r<.y ,xr.ope:cty rtea~ the pot:rt just <br />south of 9't^rin. Lake tvtere tkae road. divides. <br />'upon mo't:ior. by Spoonc~:r., seconded by S,ce:::%'].e>.r., :i. uses <br />"lti+,Si0L9T~D, that the i`,.lexander Construct;i.on Couip<af;y :is hereby <br />i:i~arrted permission I,o cstriblish a, blank-top plant v+iah the <br />unde:rstanciin; tl'aat tlzi.s pl~,,r;:t r,+ll be operated ternpora:cily <br />and only fo:r the nrznu+uture o;' the !~a~eri~l tc,-ded on bhau <br />po-rtron oP iia.~,ht.~;j 3J.'a fro;n ;~.LLtle t,,a7ad~, i1o.a bo iice `3~reet.n <br />:1y es - 5 ida,9 s •- 0 <br />The reeo]:utiorr eras adopted. <br />.„ <br />the iu~.yox• rea a. e-'tier :-ro;r. '.ae .os i:LCe ~.• +,-u ,. ~:,. <br />Vil:iage Co' For hawing climinzited dtzp]_icate and. similar street names> <br />lChe_'Iayor poinbed out ~bhat doffs arc; becornin~ a, considerable rnz:isance anal <br />it etas agreed that prontit~sni: pubLi.caaion. be given. to the fact that the Y,eae;h Orda.nance <br />is trot=r :i.n ePi.'ecb iiz Little Canada and arty d.o~s not to the ov;ners premises <br />vri.ll be picked. up. <br />The tiiayor read !.~ letter from Ronald 'J. Powers, County ~ sesso:r, tktab a <br />local ~rssessor :E'xom ?artse~+ County be sppo:i;.zted to tine Board of Prxua].i.cation and <br />;asked the Council. o:C the of 'Little Canada to make tl>e reconunen.dati.on. <br />IIpon rnobion by rie].ancon., seconded by ;!hale, it ..^tas <br />"R'".SOI:,"TI+;D, bha.t t1.ze Council does hereby :recommend. to bhe County <br />tssessor 'L'a~>;t itQerle IS. ?,io:relan be reronuiten.ded. For. appointatont <br />as an .frssistastt G'ounty tSssessor." <br />