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Specia]. ieetin - April 2~., 1961 <br />Byes-5 Plays-0 <br />`i'he resolution was a.d.opbod. <br />`i'hc aayor aiuroruzced that he had. received a :recormnendation from 'l;he 1'lannizr„ <br />Commission• the enl.a:r.gement o:f the 3020 'Pra:ilc:r :Pass. <br />TJpon mo t:i.on by ~Ii'tale, seconded by Coenen, :i b t^ns <br />"RESOL~TE:D, that permission is hereby gxanted to iriro V~e11s, owi>er <br />o£ tPie 9:'railer Pa:rzic to enlarge his parit by 22 trailer lots tas <br />proposed iii the iolan submitted by kr:im and that the ;uildin~; <br />1n.spc:ctor be and is hereby authorised to issue the necessary <br />permit at the usual charge of X10,00 pe-r lot. <br />dyes-5 2days-0 <br />the resolution was adopted. <br />9'Yre riayor a, read a report from the P1.aniiing Connnission vrith re.f'erence <br />to developing the riorbh cash corner of;i2ice Street and :Little Canada load. <br />Upon. motioiz by Vi tale, seconded by Coenen' it vras <br />"i~:30i,7iP;, that perrniss:i.on be and is hereby .ranted to loy Guerin <br />and Ann Guerin to obtain the necessary pex•mits to erect both a <br />filling station and a new liquor store building on their one acre <br />tract located at the north east corner o£ l.:ice Street and. Little <br />Canada Road. <br />l~}re s - 'j 1~fays - 0 <br />`l'he :eesolution eras adopted. <br />The ',Mayor 'read. a letter received from the• Conunissiorr regarding <br />their study of the proposed Sanitary Sewer System for Lii;tle Canada. After. ,:>ome <br />discussion, the re;oort vans filed fo:r future r.efe:rence, <br />Upon motion by `dit-a1e, seconded by Coenen, it was <br />"1~3SOLVP~,:O, that Nrr, George Klein of 1Vorth St. Paul be axrd is <br />hereby a.I)pointed Gas :inspector :for the Village of ]~ittle L'a.nada <br />for the balance of tkie caleizdar year 19610 <br />~1,yes - 5 mays - 0 <br />'the :resolution was adopted. <br />iJ'pon motion by Coenen, seconded by 4ritale, th.e meeting adjourned at ne4.5, <br />Attest: <br />r,~/ <br />U~~'J ~ v ,_a.s._4.-17~ <br />sows ',V. n'Ielancoxr, u~iayor <br />Re s~pe~3ctf~u~lly submitte ~,~ <br />~:7alter. 1''. Coenen, Clerk <br />