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08-09-61 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
08-09-61 Council Minutes
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kri:1:NU`1':~'S OP Tilt; :RhCULlaR TP1~,I1.1']:NC <br />Oi' TIIi; VILLACP COUNCIL O]? Tll~ <br />~GI:GT,AGI? O:E' hIT'1'Ll±. CADT1aDA <br />X- X -X <br />The regular meeting of the Council of th.e Village o£ Little Canada, eras held <br />at the Little Canada 1?ire Hall, 440 Jil. Little Canada Road, on August 9, 7.961 at 7x30 <br />1?.ivi. 'i'he following Council. members vrere presents <br />Louis vP. T!!ielancon, il4ayo:rg 'i;lalber .l's. Coenen, Clerk9 7i;dtivard Loe££le:r. and <br />Carl Spooner, ~L'rustees. <br />Absent was John 'Vitale, l]'rtxstee. <br />Also presenb weres P:rederick. P. Iviem!nexy Village Attorney; :Louis Jesperson, <br />Road iupervisorg anal Oscar Londin, ]3ui.ld:ing Inspector. <br />The minutes o£ the regular meeting of July :12 anal the rni.n.utes of the special <br />meeting of July 24.erere read by the Clerk. <br />Upon motion. by Loeffler, seconded by Spooner, it was <br />"itiSSOLVL+'D, that the rn:ixnrtes o:L' the :regularr meeting of July 12 and the <br />special meeting of July 24 be approved. as read." <br />~+eS - ¢ days U <br />'I'he resolution vras adopted. <br />P4r. Idcl?adden from tyre ilTinnesot-a State Highway Departmenb appoared before the <br />Council with construction plans and x•esolution. forms No. ?_522 anal No. 2523, vrhich <br />provide for grave:L base arrii b:itwninou.s sur:f,'acing of 1'.rw~k H=ighway N'o. 35E and 390 <br />from a poi.n.t 1~¢ rnile South of the l~Torth line o£ Section 6, `1'. 29, R. 22 to a point <br />3(0 :Feet ?Iortherly of said section line, <br />Upon motion by Spooner, seconded by Loef:Pler, it was <br />"13iiISOI;V:i~'D, 'r9he.reas, the Village of Little Canada has approved the plans <br />and specifications f'or the i.mprovemen.t of that part of• `.L'runk Highway <br />PTambex 390 renwnbsred as '.L':runk Higlnvay 7~?umber 351; within the corporate <br />1i.mi.ts of the village of Little Canada from 'the approx. l~q. mi.].e South of <br />North line of Section 6, 'P. 29, Tt. 23 to a :point 370' nori;herly o£ said <br />section line; <br />1VH:G1?1sA5 i.n order to obtal.n :Eede:ral aid in i;h.e constx•uction of said `.Px•unl<: <br />f:[i.ghvray P?u!riber 390 renwnbered as '.Fronk 1?'ighway :ilt>rnber 351: the I3ux•eau o E' <br />Public 7?oads requ:i:res bhe assurance that the 5T9.ll.a{;c of Little Canada wi:Ll. <br />not suffer. army encroachment of any nature or k:tn.d whatsoever on the right <br />o.t eray o£ said 'Trunk 13ighway l~Twnber 390 :renwnbered as `Px•unk l:i.ghvrey Nunibe.r <br />35:G vrithin the coxpoxate limits of the said village o:C L:i'ttl.e Canadag and <br />4Yli[',,Rlt'AS the Commissioner o:C' Ixighways desires :in the interest of pub].i.c <br />safety that all, parking of vehicles on said trunk highway be paralle]. <br />with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalk, <br />NOCd, '.L'117±]N, a31; I[P ril i01~UL;U that said. Vi:Llage of Little Canada does hereby <br />agree and. conven<znt that :it eri].] never pernr:i, t or suf:fe:r, vrithin. its <br />
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