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08-09-61 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
08-09-61 Council Minutes
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corporate limits, any encroachment of any Ici.n.d whatsoeve:r., including <br />curb gas pwnps and. gas stations, billboards o:r other. structures of rtny <br />lc:ind whatsoever, upon the .right of vray of 'Fronk: ?i:i~;nway Tv'uniber 390 <br />renumbered as 'l:runk h[igl~.way Nwnbe:r 351a and to the above end said Village <br />of Little Canada hereby agrees 'that it wi7.7. never issue any license, permit, <br />or grant, or give at~,y ].eav'e or liberty o:r any other consent of whatever Form <br />for the construction m° ma:in.ten.ance of any en.croachmerrt vhatsoever, inc:iuding <br />ru-rb gas pwnps and gas stations, billboards or other.' structures of any kind <br />whatsoever, upon said xi.ght of vray9 and that said t7illage o£ Id.ttle Canada <br />vrill cooperate insofar as poss9:ble 'to eliminate existing encroachments <br />constitut:in{ traffic hazaxds and Trill further take any necessary act5.on to <br />eliminate any en.croachmenb that may hereafter exist on said trunk highvray <br />.right of way; and <br />PP 11 PU1i`1'II?~R }tL:iOlivTlsD that said Village of :Little Canada does hereby agree <br />to :require the parking of all vehicles on. said txvnk highway 'to be para11e:1 <br />with the curb and a'b least twexxby (20~ feet from any crossvralk~ on all public <br />streets intersecting said trunk hidh.way vrithin the corporate limits of said <br />'Village of Litt7.e Canada>" <br />Oyes-4 Nays 0 <br />The .resolution, was adopted. <br />Upon motion by Spooner, seconded by Lo~f£ler, it vras <br />"REf:,OLrrLD, ?'lhe:reas the Commissioner. of Ilighvrays has prepared plans, special <br />provisions and specifications for the a.mprcvement of apart of '.1`runlc Ii:i{hway <br />T~TO. 390 as [L'runk Highway :(dumber 35L' vri.thin. bhe co.r.porate limits <br />oi' the Village o:f Little Canada from the a_pproxo l~n. mile '%ioubh of '!~lorth <br />7_:ine of Sec. 6, 'i'.29, R, 23 to a point 3'70' norther7.y of said section line, <br />and <br />'ilU;;l3t;,'rS said plans and. special provisions are on file in th.e o££:ice of the <br />Department of 1Iighvrrys, Saint Paul, Iiiinnesota, being marked, :Labeled, anal <br />i.d.ent:i£:i.ed as S.P. 62.80-'79 `l'.H. 35:=390) Tiiinn. I 35L-Ci. (''>7) 116 and <br />Jii~li7AS said specifications are on. file in the office of the Department oi' <br />Highways, Saint Paul, Niinnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as <br />S.P. 62£30-79 (`.C.H• 35~=390) ~ f3. P. 62135-4'7, vrhich, together the <br />P[innesota :Department o:f highways Specifications :for Il:ighvray Construction, <br />dated laay 1, 1959' on fi_l.e in the office of the of llighvrays, <br />constitute the s:pecifical;ions for sai.d.:imp-rovement o£ Trunk P~ighvray Pdvmber <br />390 :ren.umuered as 't'runk SI:ighway IQumbe-r. 35179 and <br />l'ilII5137sAS copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled <br />and identified are also on £i.1e in the office o:f the Village C1c;rlc; and <br />ti~IILi2L115 the 'te-rm. "said plans and special provisions" as hereina:f'ter 'used <br />in the body of this resolution sha11 be deemed and intended 'to mean, refer <br />to, and incorporate the plaxts and special provisions :in the foregoing <br />recitals pa:rti_cularly i.den'tified and desc:r:i_bed> <br />NO'y7, fPT:[it;l~, DL 7:'.i' Ri50LV.i;:D 'that said plans and special p-rov:i_sions fox the <br />improvement of 'I':r.•w21c IIi{•hvray 1~Iumber 390 as 'i':cunk HigYnvay TJumbe:r <br />35a; wi.i;hin the :l.imi.ts o.f 'the Village oY Little Canada be and hereby a:re <br />approved.. <br />_2_ <br />
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