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73d 1'.P P'U13(PiLPI? 12L;SOLV:[~:D that the elevations and ;trades as shown in said <br />plans and special p:rov:is:Lons be and they are hereby approved and consent <br />is hereby given. to an;y and all changes in grade occasioned by the constxucti.on <br />of sa:Ld '.frunlc 13:ighvray Nur~iber 390 renumbered as '1'xunlc IIi,<;hvray Nwribe.r 3'j7~ :in. <br />accordance vrith said plans anal speci-a:1 prov:isions^," <br />Ayes - 4 i~T.ays -• 0 <br />LChe resolution eras adopted. <br />I;4r. Pat l+a,chiano of 280 Condit Street stated that the Cotu~.ty had graded Condit <br />Street but 'that it eras not properly located w:i-thi.n. tkte street lanes. <br />Upon.rnotion by Spooner, seconded by Loeffler, it vras <br />"1~L.;OLVLll, that this matter be :re:Per.•red to the Village l;ilgineer. and <br />the S'breet Supe:rin.tendent vr:ith i.nst-ructi.ons to survey Condit <br />;breet and ascertain whether or not i.'t is properly located.." <br />Ayes - q bays - 0 <br />'1'he resolution eras adopted. <br />mayor. li4alancon presented 'Vouchers Nb. 2088 through 3?0. 2109. <br />Upon. fdotion by i;rielancon., seconded by Loeffler, :it was <br />"13LSOLV7~:U, that Vouchers Igo. 2088 thru PIo. 2109 be paid in full.. <br />2088 :[,. Vd. Puelancon ........................................?v 50.00 <br />2088 F';a1'ter Goenen....• .........................•....•••••• 100.00 <br />2080 ~Valtex Coenen ......................................... 5.00 <br />?_091 Ed 1,oe.f.'filer. ........................................... 32.80 <br />2.Og2 'John Vitale ........................................... 32.80 <br />2093 Carl Spoonerr .......................................... 32.90 <br />209q. 3ichard :(3oss .......................................... 35.00 <br />2085 '.E. A. Schifsl~}> ~, `,iOna, lnc ............................ 7.02.60 <br />2096 1?amsey County '.Creasurer ...............................112:L.08 <br />2097 l~amse;}* Countyy ':Preasurer .............................. • 7.3.33 <br />2088 Ilay Culve.-c ............................................ 80.80 <br />20gg Ii'reder:i.clc P, i?4enuner. ................................... 60.00 <br />2100 ~1r'tktur Germain ........................................ 31.50 <br />2101 L. G. Jesperson ....................................... 57.10 <br />?_102 L. G. Jespe-rsen ....................................... 5q..00 <br />21.03 Gregory I'. I3ou1e ....................•.••••••••••••..•• 15.75 <br />... <br />210q. Odcar hondin. ....................................... 63.00 <br />2105 Norbhern States Power Co .............................. ].6.67 <br />2106 `1'. 1. Schifslry ~ Sons .........................>....... 1.60.20 <br />2107 Northvrestex•n L'el:l. telephone Company ................... 27.13 <br />2108 tvlycrs :i~rattalone.........• ............................ 86.2'7 <br />2:LOy i~iorthwestern 73e1:L 'Telephone Company ................... 20.63" <br />Ayes - q. Nays - 0 <br />[L'he x•esol.tztion was adopted. <br />lvlr. VJi].son appeared be:('ore the Council anal stated that he has some svramp area <br />in. his plat which he :is w:il:ling to donate to the village. 1`~fter. sorne discussion, it <br />°3- <br />