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I'ATNU'197S OP THB R1~IGIILAIZ Mls'PTINC <br />01! lL'l~II3 VIhLAG1; COTTNCI:L OF THPs <br />VILLAGli OP hI'1'TL7 CANADA <br />>< f ~ <br />The x•egular rneet:ing of the Council of the V:ill.age of Little Canada, eras <br />hold. at the Kittle Canada Pare Ha1J., 4q.0 L. Little Canada Road, on March lq., <br />1962, at 'j:~0 P.M. '1'kre following Courtc:i.l membe:rt; were p:resente <br />Cas~1 Spoone.r., It4ayor; tiValter. I?, Coenen, Clerkg Joseph Ilacker, '.I'x~tzsi;ee. <br />Absent vrere John V:i.ta].e and 1;dvra:cd Loeffler, 'Trustees. <br />Also present vrere: Oscar Londin, 73ui:Lding Inspretorg Ri.cltard 73oss, <br />`Preasurer.g Harry I3arvey fran Mi:inor. W. Carley & Associates. <br />P,4i.nutes of the meet9_ng of P'ebruax•,y :Ll~., :1962 vrere approved as read. <br />VIr. Don Valento, 27.99 li;dge.rton Street, presented a pet:it:i.on aslcing• the <br />Counc:i]. to x•ezone Lot 7 :i.n ]3loclc 2, Boss A.dd.ition, from Class "A" residential <br />to Class "13" i^esidential, that he desires to construct none-story <br />double bungalow. <br />Upon motion by Coenen, seconded by Hacker, i.t was <br />"131;:i0LVLD, that a special. hearing be set for. I~4arch 2f3, 1902 at <br />'7x30 P, M. :Po.r.• purpose oi.' hea:ring the petition presented by T~ir> <br />Valento." <br />Ayes - 3 Nays - 0 <br />The reso:ution was adopted. <br />After tl'ti.s motion was adopted, £ discus„ion tools place regarding the <br />matter. of obtai.ning• advice and. recommendations front the Planning Commission, <br />Upon mot:i.on by hacker., seconded by Coenen, :it was <br />"RL;SOLVLD, that the motion set't:i.n.g a hea.ring•for Maroh 2Q on the <br />Valento pe ti tin be acrd is hereby .reconsidered and the sa.:i.d. mo ti_on <br />i.s resci.nd.ed." <br />Ayes - 3 Nays - O <br />`.Phe resoLuti.on was adopted. <br />Upon mot:i.on by Ilaclzer, seconded. by Coenen, it was <br />"Itls'SOLVP,D, that the Council, refer the petition. presented b;y I'~4r. <br />Valento, to the :P:iann:ing• Commission. fo:r study and recommendation." <br />Ayes - 3 Nays - 0 <br />'.l'he resolution vras adopted. <br />