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03-14-62 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-14-62 Council Minutes
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Regular ll4eetin.g, T~d'arch 14, 1962 <br />`i'he Clerk. presented a Certi..i'icate of• '1'it:1e vrhich he had received from <br />Joseph Saiko, covering Lots ?_f3, 29 and 30 in Block 1 in Semis Heights. '1'he <br />three lvts together combine an area of :13,625 square feet. It was pointed <br />out that i'rlr. Saiko had applied for a building permit from the Building <br />Inspector, who -refused 'to issue such a permit on the grounds that th.e prop- <br />erty did not meet the 22,000 square ieeb minimmn size bui.ldixrg lat required <br />by bhe Village code. The Council., after due consideration, determined that <br />Nir. Sa:ilco should be informed by the Building Inspector. that he will have 'bo <br />acquire additional property in order to meet the code provisions. <br />The Clerk advised the Council that no date for hearing was set for the <br />rezoning requested by Andrew li:oule in :December, vrhen the recommendation had <br />been returned from the Planning approving of the proposed rezoning. <br />Upon motion by Hacker, seconded by Coenen, it was <br />"TILSOLVLD, that 'the rezoning petition .i'or 'the property of Andrew <br />Houle, on Rice anal County Road C, from Residential to Canmex•cial, <br />be set for hearing on March 2£3, 1y62 at ']c30 P.It7. <br />Ayes - 3 1`lays - 0 <br />7!he resolution was adopted. <br />'.!'he Palayor appointed. Joseph. JIaclcer and John Vitale as the official <br />delegates of the !Tillage of Little Canada to tho newly established hamsey <br />County League of Y'tiunici.pali.ties acrd he designated Walter Coenen and Ca:r7. <br />Spooner as alternate delegates. <br />'1'he Mayor informed the Council that he had rnet with ]vlr. limnrett [~Jilliams, <br />:iuperinten.dent of School :Distr.•ict 623, concerning a .requestt which had come <br />.from the School llistrict concerning storm water drainage of bhe proposed <br />high school. site which was formerly the Demont Earn. fL'he Mayor indicated <br />that there was no infvrmat;ion as of consequence to report at this time and. <br />that the Village S;ngi.neer eras making a survey of 'the prob:iem to obtain some <br />factual data upon vrhicU. the Council could act. <br />The Clerk reported. that the Ramsey County Comrni.ssione:rs have adopted a. <br />resolution pur.•suant to the request of the Counc:i:l of i;he Village o.f :Litt:Le <br />Canada designating County Road :i32 (formerly I~'1owe.r Street from Rice Street <br />eastward 'to the end o.f sa:id toady as a County road to be maintained at the <br />expense of the County. <br />Idir. harry Tlarvey, representing the firm of ivi:ilncr "t'J. Car:Ley ~ Associates, <br />Vi7.l~.rge Pngineers, x•eported on the 1lighway Depa:rtrnent plans for It:ighway f36 <br />from Rice Street eastward to Arcade Street. After a study of these plans <br />by the Council and by a number of members oE' the public, who erere present <br />at the meeting, it was agreed that an e:ff'ort should be made to obtain a <br />cloverleaf interchange at Rice Street and Highvray -//36. It eras pointed out <br />that fo:r approximately eight , or more, left 'turns have been prohibited <br />off of or onto Rice Street at the intersection vrit-h Ili~;hway =,/36. If tyre <br />proposed plan of the Aighway :Department is accepted, the :r.•esult would be that <br />there would be both left and right twins on 13i.ce Street in order to come from <br />or gain access to ITighway =~~36, just as tyre traffic must novr do at the inter- <br />section. of Litt:Le Canada Road and Iii.gharay 9y35r7. Such a change in the pattern. <br />_ 2 <br />
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