I 10;'.1!Ifi l) ' I' liS ):(I ~ L1,h.i l.ll ~ 'li c
<br />01 ~' 1•a ' i 1111U~s' (O~~,IJC.L.I, OL+ '1:L
<br />]1~Li,1lJ '. L'~' L:I`P',E CP.I`~r~J)A
<br />.~ ;e
<br />li'he x~ ru7.ar Ineo ~:i,ne of ~th.e Council ofi bh.e V~9 J 1 to ofi 1, L~tt:Le Canada, ~xras kzeld
<br />at '~kl.e 7,iti].e Canada :Wire .1ia11, ~~.0 ;l, T:it~lo Cz~znada T3oad, on ,'il>y 9, 1.962, at '7s30
<br />P.l"i, `i'he followin~m Counoi:l meztiuers were present:
<br />Ca:r:1 Spooner, ~ayo.r9 traa_tcr ir'< Coenetz, C:1o:rkg John Vitaaey ~o;epkt tiac;cer,
<br />and.:isdwa:rd Loe.f:f:le:r, 'i':rustees,
<br />l~l.so parosen.'t were; .'~3red.ericr ,' A=iemrser, ~i:Ll,aa„e ,lttorney9 Gsca'r :Gondi.n,
<br />~u:i.:ldln, Crlspector9 :ftl.ckza:rd :~o s, ':Il:ceasurer; :L;yle Jespersen, ,goad. ziu_pe:r-
<br />vi s o:r. ,
<br />iVli.nutes of the redul.ar meeti_n~ of April. 1:1, 1.962 and the special meebing
<br />of .ltpxil 2!j9 1962 ta~ere read by the Cleric,
<br />upon motion icy Vi tale, secord.ed. by laeker, :i b was
<br />"PC zJG',i?J, that the ;ninutes he approved is read,"
<br />iyes - ~ ii2a;ys - 0
<br />t1'he resoLu~b:ion was adopted,
<br />'Phe C:1e:rk :.read a :Letter ;::role itilner. 'iJ< Carleyy ~k Attsociatee with rei'e:r.en.ce
<br />to -the vrork on Plower Street which was done ~by Sina Co, f~n th.i_s letter the
<br />en.ineer pointed out that ;y500.00 had. been. withheld pond-in zinal acceptance
<br />and ap~orova:L o1' the streeb, ir.r. Carley 9.ndicated that :ib was h:is opinion as
<br />Via.l.a~e T;n~;in.eer that the contracCor should be required to make one moire seal
<br />coat ap_plicati.on o:P bi.twninous material, afker wh:i.ch the street vrould be £ul.ly
<br />acceptable and the yp500.00 ba:Lance could be paid.
<br />(7pon motion by \rital.e, seconded by Loeffler, it cras
<br />"RGSOLV1i;:D, that- the C:1e.rlc and '1':reasurer be and are hereby aubho:r.:i.zed
<br />to pay t:he last ;'6500.00 'to the :flay Sina Co< as soon as the S'inal sea;1.
<br />coating; has peen canpl.eted."
<br />ayes-5 Nays-0
<br />The resolution was adopted,
<br />'Tkze C:lerlc aa_so :read a letter from til.ner tV. Casey cF~ fd ssociates concernin„
<br />the status of so-called a11_ies in the Plad.eau ad.d:iti.on.. 'T'his matter was refer. red
<br />to 'the V:i.:Lla~;e Attorney .E'or :invesi;igation<
<br />,;ir> Paul :r(a,claLsl'~eim of Cd~;e:rtor «nd County hoad "ll" appeared 1:>efore ~blt.e
<br />Council aazd. compl.aiz.ed tha~f, .morn Ga:rsk~ has Burned a bull :Loose on his .prooer.~y
<br />anal that i;he bull. g;ot out oT f::ne C zr else proper, by arzd Yzad st:rayeo ~Ytrou;;,hout
<br />the ~rea bec>reen [,az'oire 17.oad_ ~~ind Coun~by Road ":i)", east of ~d,perton, '.L'hc Co~unci_a,
<br />assured ,eir., avac~a~Cs).ze nn 1;1,ia~ imrlled_ie•te ;>teps woal.d 'ae taken 'to see that ~bhe
<br />an.:i.maa. compla.:ined of, vrou:td. be removed Fran the area w:i.thout delay.
<br />