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Regal Lr 1:eeting - ;li<y 9, 1862 <br />rayon i>poonez• n~rdicated that "r ,< ;arp, residing on ~~7.owetr itreet, had <br />ca7.] ed h:irn 'to cornp7 a:irr a:bou t the :[ ~ci; that the Yi] 7 age ha.d a.gx•eed ~to place somo <br />black d:ir't on tlae boulevard i.n front of lae:r. ktouse fol Low~i.n,<; the scree b construction. <br />projecb in that a:rsa mo-re than a year ar;o and that this had no't yet been done, <br />L)pon. motion by 7.,oe:;'.f:1er., seconded by Coenen., it eras <br />"Lt 30:I;itT,:D, that the :load Supervisor bc: and :is hereby i.nst:euoted to <br />,place uho.n. the a:rp .property whatever bl.acls d:irL i_s,oosary 'to <br />comply wi.'i;h the 11i.:La.a,+se agrcemerrt, <br />:yes-5 :ways-0 <br />`.L'he :resol.ub:ion was adopted< <br />!r, ,'+oland ]?a,, :1-50f3 Van iuren Sti:•eei;, ,; t. :C'aul, appezced be:eo:re bhe <br />Council and staled that h.e had purchased. th.e praperl;y at 636 Lahore Poa,d, the <br />fo:rtner John :3lomquist residence. Fie explained -that his purcha,e oP that property <br />was made vrith t1?e in benbion of estnba:i.sYring aboard and care :aomc :E'or, aboub :15 <br />people, L:e said tYta't he had ;;ubm:itted 'the proposal 'to the :sate 3oa.:rd of ZIea,lth <br />axed that the State :Inspectors had examined. the premises, including the sewage <br />d:is,posaJ. system acrd had approved bhe property fo.r the proposed use. ile e:xpla,ined <br />i;hab he had started 'co :rernodea. t1,2e garage into a (Lvrell:irtg house and tlxat the <br />Vil:Lage au:Lading Inspector had red-tagged this construction project for a fail.u:re <br />to obtain a 'bu:ilding pe:rm:i.t, .a»be.r. of neighbo:r:i.n.g proper. ty ova~e-rs vrere presen.'C <br />at 'the mee t-ing a~ad indicated. 'that they wis7red. 'bo make some statement about this <br />proposed. use> lvliss Joy ,7olmson, 622 La:i3o-re Road., stated that s}te lives adjacent <br />1;o the I?letche:r :property innnediately 'to bhe GVest. She said 'that slae did n.ot think <br />tlta.i; the estab7.ishment o1' a rest home in this area wou:Ld, be proper no:r vrould it be <br />conducive to preserving the values o:L'~bhe area as a Class "A." hesidence Distri.cb. <br />i! Johnson ad:vi.sed the Council 'tr:at she vras opposed 'to rezoning; of the propex•by. <br />lvir. lv. :Jespersen, 643 La~iore iit.oad, 1fir, :Paul Yusman., 633 J,ai3o:re :I?oad and ,+l.r. 3ert <br />huger of 655 1{.eller. 1'eir.•kway, a17. of whom are o£ :props>rty immediately ad- <br />jacent to the 7i'lebcher property expressed opposition. to•. LIr. :t~'red 1~4enuner <br />of 666 haPore l,?oad expa.ain.ed to bh.e Council, that as a :resitien.t :%'or 25 years, <br />tkre property immediately east oF. {;he ~'7.etcher property, he had oor16'tarl'tly wo:rlced <br />1;o:vard up-e,•radin.g the et.~.tirc; neigh"boyhood-. ~IIe pointed out that in the last :Cem~ <br />,years the pontes of :C~,1ton Johnson, Johsr ]3adford, 'j"actor Hanson, 13ex•t linger and Dr, <br />VJal.l, all havo been nevr7,y constructed homes investments :ranging from <br />°25,000 to yp70,000 vrh:ictr was :i,nd.icative of the trend of 'this rreighbo:rhood, He <br />pointed out that any move a.t this time to zone :re;si.dertia.l p:r•operty to connnercia:L <br />vrould constibube a, step backvrard_ and vrould reverse the poLioy that had been mtider- <br />way for some ci-glrt o:r ten yea,:rs. He also poi.n.ted out that with only four people <br />living in ~bhe home Hour owned by-i?].e~toher, ho~th 'the Philai,ps anal tl~ie 131omgaists had. <br />experienced sevrage disposal troub:Le, Lie po:i_nted out that the sewage disposa,:t <br />>ystem n.ovr serving that property could not possibly take care o:P 15 or 20 persons <br />and that airy a'ttentip'L to construct sevrage di.sposa.l facili.'aies for that large a <br />t;:roup ~^rouad re>ul.t i.n conaam:irration bo surrourrdin,?> Ali'r. lalemmex pointed <br />out tl'rab aside f-nom the matter o:f try-ing to in'troducc? a commerciaa. use, the potentia]. <br />liealtlr p_roba.em was i.nsurmounta:bl.e until such -came as public sewer became availabl.e< <br />i;Pr, hlemnrer further stated. that :if any effort were made by ivir, :Fletcher bo use tb:is <br />property for, 1r:is announced purpose, F;b', l,-iernmer would. pe.rsona].1y a.pp].y to bhe :D:istr:i.ct <br />Court for rue irrjuncci.on.. 7..,`.e a:Lso pointed out that i.f any efforb were made bo rezone <br />the prope:r'by ho wou:Ld vi.l3orously oppose such rezoning. <br />_)_ <br />