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teuaar _;ecti.n„ - irlaa 3, 1962 <br />C:Lerlc read a letter from the Superintenden'b of the St, Pau:i t%d'al;e-r Department <br />in reply to a. ],otter vrhich had been forwarded i~t~ the Cl.<>.x•ic, aslcin3• perm:is ,ion to <br />remove a dead. tree and. i;o oxaerzd the driveway surfacint; alon,.3 side the Fire 1Ia,:11 <br />down onto the water vrorics property so as to prevent erosion. 'l,'.his letter indicated <br />that the ITa'ter Department vrould cooperate with i;kze ~i9.:Llage on these matters. <br />C:Le:rk read. a• a.etter from 'the Ltamsey County Junior SheriYF's Conuni.ttee, asking <br />the ~Ti:tlage to contr:iiru~be funds 'bo bhe school police program and picnic. She Clerk <br />indica,ted_ that in his opin:Lon the 4ia.].ae I~ad no authorir~ation by statute or. othe.r- <br />vrise to malre such a, <br />`.'he Clerk read a letter :(:'rom Robert 19'. ]3arr•, Sec:rcta:ry oS the ;hate Board of <br />tieali;h, to the eFFeci; that a public hear:i_ng would be held 'by the said State ?3oard. <br />on ^rlay 2£3th at 10>00 .A.IY., :Cor tl'ie purpose oi' :i.nvesti.gatin.{; and considering• pollution. <br />o:F the 1':iississippi between the mouth of t:ae 13am River anii the mouth of t:he <br />.;t. Croix .[d.:i.ver. <br />`.C'he Clerk read_ tart app:Lication For Off-Sale 3.2 beer :Li.cense subrnitbed b;y ?~r. <br />t'7illiam Gohde, vrho irite.nds to operate Johnny's Con£ectione:ry at &'1 I;, Little Canada <br />i3oad, <br />TT.pon motion. by Vitale, seconded by Backer, :i. b was <br />"1S;S0:~9kD, that an Off-Saae 3.?_ beer license be anal is hereby <br />autkio:rized and a.:ppr.~oved For issuance to `:~Iill:i.arn Gohde .f'or. use <br />at the s-to:re premises at 81 13. :Lib'tle Canada 13oad<" <br />llyes-5 19ays-O <br />':i'he resolution was adopted. <br />I'tyoon motion. by i/ibal.e9 seconded by llacicer9 :it vaas <br />"Jt SOL';Ili), that the <br />a cigarette :t:icense <br />Canada Road." <br />The resolution was adopted. <br />C:1c:rk be ~znd.:i.s hereby authoz•ized. to isrsue <br />to 1Vi.]1:iam Gohde for use a b E3:1 1„ T,i. tble <br />;yes - 5 Nays - 0 <br />Upon motion by hoeF:fle:r, seconded by I3aclcer, it was <br />"131;;SCIGUT:]), 'that On-Sale Hard. i,iquor licenses be approved For <br />renewal. for. the year co~mnencing Jrzl.;y 19 :1.962 for Gordon idadeau, <br />Joseph 77iba1e, Drank 73rausen and kLichard. Jacobsen." <br />.eyes 5 i~lags - O <br />':i'he -reso]_uti_on was adopted. <br />Upon motion. by tlaclcc;r, seconded by Loeffler, it was <br />"R~SO'L,VE:9,; OFf-Sa1e liard.:iciquo:r licenses be a.uthor:izeil for <br />renevral 1'o.r, the year July 1, ].962 'to bhc :f ittle Canada <br />Liquors, ]:nc, and to :3en ;;, itoseraarlc,'. <br />_/!-- <br />