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:ie~ul.a:r P1;:ee t:inE; - diay 9, 19 6l <br />T7pon inota.o:n b;y tritalc, seoottd.ed by :Goefl'ler, it was <br />"1.71;Sb:LV7t;:D, that ~bhe go on :reco:rd at this time to the <br />e:F£ect 'Cha't it would not :L'avorably cons:i.der an application £o:r. <br />rezoning the property at 636 7:~a13ore Road in ord.e:r to make :ib <br />ea.i.g:i.ble for use as a, board and care h.onte." <br />/tyes-y ways-0 <br />'J'he .rer;o:tution ryas adopted.. <br />i'ilr. i3:ruce :Pa'rrnentier, 61li.:Lal3ore :Road., stated. that he is concerned about <br />the speed, of tra1.'fic on Lrz'do:re :Road. F.e ex.pla.iiled bhai; l;d{;e:rton iiit:c•eet :i.s po:;ted <br />for 40 miles per hour and. when. the traf£:1c 1c:aves Ldger-ton.itreet, turn:in{.; cast <br />onto :Gal3o:re laorrd, ib seems to be tYte p:raob:ice to increase their speed. lae asked <br />that si.~;n:; the speed :Lawfully permi.bted on Lal3ore Road be p7.aced on <br />Lai3ore so that the drivers would ]snow that the cou7.d rtot increase their. speed <br />a,:Fte.r. leaving 1!;dgerton £.itreet. <br />Upon. motion by Loel`E'ler, seconded by Vitale, it was <br />"1~1,SOliVL:D, that the County !;ngin.eer.'s offa.ce be contacted and <br />:requested to erect a speed 1:imit si.~;n on tkte south. side o£ <br /> ;toad at some point w:i~thin 100 fee'b east of Pdterton. <br />atreet." <br />1?tiyes-5 Nays-0 <br />``-Phe :resolution waa adopted. <br />iVCr.. 73ert Luger, 65y :iLe].:Ler. 1'arlava;y, stated that he owns property- fronting <br />or.:3:e11e:r. Road. which erten.d.s be;yon.d th.e road 'to (xervais liaLce, SIe said bhat there <br />had been No Parking si_gn.s a:Long• laeller. :L'a:rlcway 'but for surtnreason these signs erere <br />removed artd that noi~r n.umo:rous motorists make a habit o£ parking on luge:r's property <br />nuad his d-r.•ivoway. '-i'he tSayor artstructed the Clerlt to refer tlti.s matbe:c to the <br />County 15oard o:r 'the Comrty L'n.gin.eer.'s o£fiee with t-he request that n.o pa:cking si.;;ns <br />be :replaced along this ax•ea of Parkway. <br />U;lton motion by ;acke:c, seconded by l.,oe:Ci'ler, i't was <br />":ft1~.S01~~7liD, that the load- limit x•est:rictions be :removed from aal <br />Vi7.7.age st:reebs as o£ itla,,y- 10th, 1962 anal that the [goad supervisor <br />and bho County be instructed to :remove all load l:im:it <br />a:igns." <br />,?ye•a - j bays - 0 <br />`Phe :~:•esoluti.on was adopted, <br />Che C7.erk road a :Lector .from the County ?an„'in.eer to the ef:Fect tktat load <br />7.imi.ts cou:td 'oe removed after 9.pril 30, 196?_. <br />il'h.e Clerlc :read a letter front the 8he:ri.f:P's office advising the V:i.llage oL' <br />hittlc Canada that the i3oa-rd of County Commiss:i.onc;:rs ha.d authorized new po:t:ice <br />serv:i.ce contracts extend:i_ng• pol:i.ce ses•vice 1•rom ].6 lu>u:rs to 7/]. hours per d.ay <br />vaould be prepared. by tYte County Atbo:rney. <br />_ ~_ <br />