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,arrlmrr;5 0~' '1'LTI T~~sGm;n~t~ ,c}~,rl'rrn}~ <br />0?.~ 'i.'IiII VI:Ih1:~9G;1? COT;'TtiC;h, Ol? `['Iih <br />VSL,LA.GE OP :LIT'PLT; CAPi.4DA <br />y. .~ .~. <br />'.P.he re;;ula.r nzcetint o.f the Council of bhe Vi.11a+,me of L_~L-t7.e Canada was held <br />a,~t the :G~t~ta.e Canada Dire .1'iail, q_q.0 P!,. T.,:i.~btle Canada J3oa.d, on Septernbe_r :L2, 1962 z~zt <br />%z30 7?,Pfi. 'Phe following Councia. a.?ember:; were proserrbs <br />Carl Spooner, 111a;}=or.; rdalter. Coenen., C:Le:r1c; Jo1an Vital. ca and Joe ?lackerp <br />`P:rustses. <br />AYzsent vaas Edward- l~oe.ffle:r, Trustee. <br />tllso L~resen'b were :P1 eder:i_cic '!', i~lenuuer, cTia.l gee P.1;to:rne~=; 73i.rha:rd. Boss, <br />'P:rea~ure.c9 Oscar Lon.diz2, 3u~lding Inspc'c~to:r and. T;ou:rr> Jes;po:rsesz, litoa•d <br />Suxae:rvism:~, <br />tfpon. maizion b;p lTtlfil?'e~', seconded b;y Vi~ta7.e, :it was <br />"Tt11S0hVTsD, 'that the minutes of the a~egular. meeting o£ <br />An~us't 3 ap.{~roved. as presented by tkae Cl erh. " <br />!ryes - /{ I`la:Is - 0 <br />'1!he resol:u~t:i.on. was adopted. <br />:J!r. Tf. P. Griswold, atrt;orzaey rep:resentinc?~ P,'Lt•, and T~Lrs. Iioa_zschuz, p:rcaerrl;ed <br />Sor oorsiderat:i.on., a proposed. plat cove:rinn~ ],and 'located or,. County Road. i), i~.ast o.f <br />Edgerton, within the Val7.a;e of Little Canada. ':C9re proposed p:1ai: rcveal.ed :Lots <br />laid ou~b ira. di.rnensions of °~y ~ :160< 'Ph.e Cousicil i.nCormed Sir, Gr.:i.swold. that not <br />Drily were these Lo'cs less than the 2?_00 sg7za:re feet required. b;=].e Cann.da but <br />that t;he area zxrzde:c consideration a hih ground •vater level, vrhich may :.require, <br />zutide.-c the .ru:Les, 'that the l.o~ts be ewers 1a.rg,er than ?_'L00 square S'eet. <br />t7bon xnoti.on. ~by Vitale, seconded by i3aclce:r, :i.t was <br />"1tLS0:G'Jl?;ll, that the proposed L>lat rzs presented, be and i.s <br />hereF,>y declared. iza,adegraa~te and i.s hereb;}= rejected" <br />~yei _ ~ nr,zys _ 0 <br />':Ph.e resolution was adopted. <br />1Vir< _!'. Conant, 2923 habore Road., presen.i;ed. a gl.a,t fora propesed svbdl_v.isi.on <br />01' pro.per•~iy on the lea i; side of Axrade Street, ;~iorth o£ T,•~bo:re 1?oa.d.. `Che proposed. <br />i;vro lots wer.•e each L.50 x :1.30 feet vriz:iekz a:re s7.i,htl,,= ;Less than i;he 'V:i:1lag~e minimum <br />of si lP:. <br />Upon motion by ~Litale, seconded. 'by H:aclcer, :i.t was <br />"k?}!JSO7;V1;D, tkza.i, ~bkze p:ro,posed Lots subrn_itted 1>j= !I, Coneunt, ?_923 <br />Lahore Road, be a.nd a,re l~z<~z:reby approved and a va,:ranoe f.'rom the <br />min:Lmum 1o~b size of 2200 :feet; is hereby authorized and the <br />3u.7.din€s laspeoto:r. is di:rec~bed to issue z•es:iden'bial buS.a.dirz{;' <br />perru.~ts." <br />Cayes 4 X^''ays - O <br />