iie(~;ldltlr I~icet:in.;; - Septo 1,2, ].62
<br />'Che resolution. eras adopted..
<br />2vlr. Roh7.ede:r, a~ttoa~,.cy re7sre•~e.nLtng flr. ~V, Nelson of 7U :l:on~ Zane, zppea,red.
<br />beSore 'the Ca~xncil {:o cli.scuss tkte matter, o.£ water. :i':towi.n~ from County Road. C, IiTO:rth-
<br />vrarii i;o the rca:r of -the :~e7.son p:roper•i:y artd through his prope:r•~t;p doom ~t:o :Cona Lane,
<br />kie explained. 'tha't t~?elso:n's dr.•a,lnfield has 1~eoome :i.nopera.t:ive anal. that vraker is
<br />fl_ow~nf from tkie clsainf`iea.d back into tlt.e septic tastk. :(t+i:c. ',Donald Ca:r].ey, V'illa.ge
<br />1a~~ •inee:r, preserrtod a profi.l.e of 'the p:roper~ty :in 'that area a.nd e:xp:la,ined the drai.na~~;e
<br />pro1.~ 1. ern,
<br />f7pon mot9_on by Vi. tale, seeond.ed by Ha,clcer, it vras
<br />R1;SO:LVFill, l'7IIJ!;itEA:i, it is proposed to improve storm crater d.rainaf•e works
<br />for the axea betvreen ()oun.ty 13oad C on the South, and Iona Lane on the
<br />~ror'th, Rice Street on tb.e V7es't9 and the erten.ded Esst .1:Ln.e of. __w___
<br />Addi_i;i.on on the East, and to assess the ben.ei'ii;ed property
<br />1'o:r a7~1 or. a portion, of i;he cost of the 3.mpro'aement, pursuant 'to TuCinn<
<br />,i;ai;utes, Secs. Q.29.o17_ to g2.9<111 ~:Lata~s ].~53, Chapte:r 39£39 as a,rnended~,
<br />li0'ii', 'L7I'G'737+;L~'O4F;, J3E 1'i' ".:1E;SOLVJrTD BY TIIE V~TS.,LAGE COIJIc(C:1:L OP 'P1TZ~; ~ISLLAGk7 0:@'
<br />L:I:'„L':LL++' CldIT't1T)11, Pahi~'NESO'1'lxs
<br />'Phat the r.>:roposed. improvement be x'efer:rc;d to the Vi.l].airo 7',n~inee:r, ;vii.lt.2e.r.
<br />W. Ca:rle;y Yx h.eSOC:iates9 for. study and i;he S'n.g'.i_ncaer is i.nstrurted. to rc:part to the
<br />Courci_l with a7.7. convenient speed a.dvisin,m the council in a ,preZim:i.nary way as to
<br />whether the proposed itnprovemen{; i.s fea.si_bl.e and as 'to whether i.t should best be
<br />made as proposed or in conalect:i.ora vri{;h. some ol,her improvemenb, aasd the esb:Lmai;ed
<br />cost of tkre :i,mpro-vernen:b as recommended."
<br />Byes -- ¢ Nays - 0
<br />'t.~lx'. :Donald. R.ada, ?_b17 Ed.gertorr S't-r.eet, si;a~ted that he has a water. p5°oblem
<br />i_n th.e -rear pa:r~b of his p:roper~by. ICe c:xpl.ained that al~thou•L•t he has been tryi.nLi
<br />to :i.mp:rove kris yard t;he rw:a-of:f wa.tex £rom Lh.e :PTorth oi' h.is p:ro}?errty continues 'bo
<br />erode any .fil.7. that Ire constructs. S~Ie :Fel.i; tht;,t ifi' he was ab7.e ~to plane a cu7.vert
<br />at the proper lecab:io:n ].ie could overcome th.s e~aosion pr•ob:Lem and YaE 'asked the
<br />Counc,ia. i;o Ai.v'e la:im Some assistance ixt I,his respocL> 'Phis ma.tter.• was ref<:rred to
<br />tkae 'd`i:1:La,ge Engineer :Co:r :irtvest5.gai;:i.ono
<br />itir. 7,d, Car7.son, 2623 Sp:r.•uce S~t:aeet, and kla.rol.d '~^7a5m.e, ¢?_C,o,znty 13oad C. 9
<br />sba.ted 'that they knave a, wa,be:r p:roblern ira their. ax•caa,. They compl~ai.n.ed that i;he
<br />normal :run-off course for wal,er. which :~..s acrumu7.atii,ed9 has 'bean filled with icfuse
<br />and dammed. at severa) points by' nei3b,borizr(3 property owner,, 9'h~;~ matter was a..lso
<br />refer°red. to the Via.l.a{,e :Gn~.~;.i.neer :Con :inves~b:i(abion.
<br />7.'he ,:Lerk read a .rescl:u_{;ion received i.rom i;he C1e:rk of ~bk~.ua Village o.f
<br />i:ox•tkt St, T?au7. concern.raf; s'bo:r!n water,.
<br />k'pon. motion by Tf,acker, seconded by Vitale, i{; vras
<br />"1?L;SOh~TED, that i;he Coun.ci]. concur vr:i.i;h ~b1~te resolut:i.on adopted b,~r ~bhe
<br />~r7illa.e of P?ori;h St. ]?aul a.nd reoo:rt its concu:rren.ce to i;he. Poard o:P
<br />County Connnissi.onors.
<br />lyes - 4 da.y;; - U
<br />She :resolution was a,dova{;ed..
<br />.. ,~ _
<br />