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I?C?i. UI 3r :BC ~?.n,^; - Je;Si; 8771~IJeC .L3y .1,92 <br />The ii~yox advised -the Co3>a~3ci.:L tTaat ~n .7:i.s op.ini.or3 t?e ~r:i11a+~•e should htalce <br />soma p:roa:i.s.ions For .z p:lalaJan.1,; p:ros;r~~~rn anal For a, new on]rl,, ].ar:~ cry Ii~l]~~i the Vlllai~e. <br />?pon motion by' Vi_l;a,]_e, sooonded 'iJy I;ack:er, 5.t was <br />"3r;501.,77~,Dy il~ra't the t' L7 y,2e ba~i;7:aeer be and is here'~y cuaYio,°ized <br />t-o ad.vLSe bh<, Va llarre :P1aran:'uu; 3oo-ird :in the Ana 6i:e:r of.' provid:i.n.g <br />ton„' berm plancr7ng and settanx 'up a• neca zorrinf mao ax.d. zor.:ln <br />1.awy a~srd the tril7a„e A.ttox•n.ey is horeby au'Lltioi ized. axid d._irecbed. <br />to prcoa:re a zoni.n3 i.n ooo.~era.t:ion w:i.txi tJ~e ongineer <br />arAd thea Planxiing 13oa,rd.." <br /> <br />9'he :resolcation teas adopted> <br />Upon mo'Ci.ozl. by V:i~ba].ey secor.2ded. ~hy Coc'nen, i'6 was <br />"RPSO ~11~EAy that; A~ouchcr; io. 2409 th.~'•:z 245]. ire n'pprov~c=,d. fo-r nayroent. <br />2409 Osoax• P. T,ondirr,..> ................................. 1)4?,0O <br />?_4:10 VTi,lliarn 7i, LCi17.een ...............<.,..,..,...,.,,>..'~9Qf38,f3'7 <br />1q.a ~i'7i.l.ham bf,. iC:r7.lean ................................. 905,`x'3 <br />2.4]2 3.a:u.r.~n~e J. ]hiolaa:rune...,.,.,....> .................. 33.52 <br />2413 '~Terrron (>. Chrisi;easerl .. . . ..... . ........ < ...... , , .... 30.50 <br />24:15 5;`Ialter ltJ. Coeneny Jia......,.<,...> ................. ''>£3<!j0 <br />2.4.1!{{. T~ recLe:cicls: '?. t;~ermne:c ......... . ..... < .... > . , . < ...... , L;L5.00 <br />2416 IRicl~a.rd ]t.cage ....................>.,.,...,,.<,,.<>.. '].00 <br />241% L, 0. J'esuersen.,,.....,,>.......,..> .............> 124.7!~i <br />24.1f? _.. G. Jespersorr ...............<.,..,,...,..,..,...> ].7.4..2.1. <br />24J,n L, G-. JespE:.rsen..>....>> ......................>.,,.. 100.00 <br />2420 T~'ort)~err~r Sta9;es :I?o~rrer .............................. ]..00 <br />2421. ':/o:i.d. <br />24.22 'Io_d. <br />2423 h'ii.lnar. ';7> Cain Ley ~ 1!ssocS.ates...... , < .. > < , .. > . , .. , . :1.23.00 <br />?424 I:~Inair ;V ( 'ir].ey ~ 1lssoc~ abes.>...,..,..<.,,.,.,.,, ]..¢4..00 <br />24.2> Gra rceeau tt~trdtr<1:re •, > ..... . . ........ . .... > ..... < .. , ... 1.4 > 6!j <br />24ZC T, A, Schi..Psl;y ~ Sons...,...<...,,.> ............... 42_.00 <br />2q.2y lC. 9, S(:hlf:,ky ~ SOl?s.<>.,.<..,..<< ................ 4(3.00 <br />242£3 IV, ',~~I. Bs11 '1_'el,.en)rove..,.,>,.< .................<.... 20.55 <br />2429 ':~lor~i;hc:~.'i; f~tates :Power Co, , . , . , ...... > ...... > .. < . < . > ''0.00 <br />24>0 '?obexr{; Fr~sh..,...<,.,<.....,....,<...,..<.,,..,>.,, 3.00 <br />24.3]. ?+'d hoer.Clex.> ......................•.......,.,...... 2_.00 <br />2432 3e:rn.adette ]3~1a_isr... < ... , ... , , > ... , ... , .. , . < < . > .... 15.00 <br />24.331Jsthe.r.:(iansoel.,< ..............><>.....,,..,<...<... 15.(70 <br />2434. Lu„•ene Sa;varrd..>< .............................<,.,, 15.00 <br />2435 1~i. ..< tilorela=n..>.>,...<......>,.....<.......>..,.., 9,00 <br />24.35 John '.l~itale........„...,......,.<.,.,,.>.,,,..,.,.. l:L 00 <br />?43'7 Jo<;apt,ria.cger ...............................>,.<... 5.00 <br />24.36 Carl>.,.......,.••~,..>....,.....,<..>,,.,,., 5,00 <br />24.39 14a1te:e• Coen en .....................>,,,..>.........,. 1:1.00 <br />,2440 Ri.cha3rd 73os,<.......,.,>>.<..«......,,.,,,<.,...... 35.00 <br />2_¢4.1 Ca:r•1 Spooner..,.>.....,< ...................>....<.... 4.7.00 <br />244.2 Joseph iYa,cker ..............<...>.,.~,,.,<,<..<>,<,.. 35>00 <br />_~~_ <br />