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':e ;titita:r 1:4eet:i.n1.; - Se}ztemhe:c 139 :19(2 <br />9'he resoluP;i.on eras a.d.ohted_, <br />~D'non nxzt:i.on by lrita).e, seco.2ded by 1?a,c1cer9 i't was <br />"PJ?~SOZ~)F,D, that Schoo]. ll:istrict Div. 623 1>e artd i.s herreby <br />autho:r:i_ced bo constrcaot saaiitary sevro:r litze and. a, watc;r <br />sex~v°ire line from Rosc;v:i'_7_e aloe;; County Road 3'l. to tl?e <br />s:ii:e of i;he c~ev,~ senior:• h:L~1~1 sckzool on ]3a.oclcs 3 aaad q- o:f <br />1YOx~i;h "tice Street Acxae 'Lots erith the understandin ~tkra~b <br />such construc~t,:i_on will be rnt:i_:rely a~b the experzsc of the <br />School aaad <br />3?n, T`P T'1]d7.111Lk'i?F;50.Llx~:F~, 'that -the attoa^ne;y :for the V~]laie <br />:i.s he:ceby author:i.zed aa.~d d.i.rec~ted to prepare a contract <br />between the ~ri.llaf>;e of L:i. tt,le Canada. a:nd `3chool ])isi;.r.:ict <br />No. 623 to p:rov:rde :for these ut:i].i.ty sa:i.d. <br />corz'tract to set forth al'1. determined i;o be <br />reg,ui:red by 'tkze ~:i.'11ag•e of l:,i.i;tl.e Canada., n.c7.uflin„• <br />prov:i.s:i,ons for. ;possible use of said. l.ixzes }~y abut~Cin~ <br />p:roperbies, hreser.•vi.n,3 the r:i.~;ht of 'the 'V:i.17.afe to <.ssess <br />for :improvements and a, i;hat the School. ~).tstrici; <br />-pay tlzo nece•sa_ry e~i;ineerin~x fees and ,attorney°s :Ec,es wh:Lch <br />^ri7,'L be i.ncuxred by r~ittle (nnad.~a ~by reason of <br />by the Schoo]. D:i.s~trict. ~~ <br />l.,yes-4 n'fays-0 <br />'i'kze ~^esolution e,~as a.doptc:d. <br />9'he rr~ Hate Covnci.l then. coa ,i.d.ered the ma t~be:r of c ti~penses anal budcget <br />im:• the; comnz5z:; year. The Cleric :read. a. letrter :from the County ,'~ud.i.tor ;c~~ ~.:irz,~ <br />fo:rbh the; items whirh must 'be i.ncludcd a.n. tb.e levy to be made upon. taxable <br />p:ropw:•i;y' in t}~ze V:i.l_a.a,~e, <br />iJpon. nioti_on b;y liaok:er, sc;coizded by :ritr~:Le9 it was <br />";31750Lz)]SD, that ~bhe follow:i.zzg• sums be, and are hereby levied <br />upon. t}ze taxab7.e propori;y :in the 't~illar,'e of 'Li.'ttle Canada, <br />Cciurt,;y o:C R~msey9 State of l;rii~rnesota~ .for. the ;yea,r• 7.962 for <br />i;kae fol].ovrL;~~e purposesz <br />Por. Genera7_ ~evernae 'Fund...,,,..>...<.>.....>,..,~:L09000,00 <br />l~o:r Civ:i_1 :Uefens<;'?und ................<>,.,.>.>.. 250.00 <br />1'o:r• 1'ulrlic :[;mpl.oyees :t2etisement. I~'und....,.......> 346=90n <br />;ayes - Q. ,;rays - 0 <br />'Phe i°esol.ution trras <br />'Cht Cleric pxe;sen'ted the Shea i.ff's report ('or the ~r;onth of Ju7,y9 :L962. <br />'.Cl~zis report was rc;ce,ved anal f:ia.ed. <br />9'he CLerlc U~esented the ].etv~-r front the Cvnr;tq P_ud:i.tor rc,mindin~ '11io tria7•z73e <br />i;ha 6 Ca+n}?a i,iin po> bErs are not to no pla_oed on 'the kzi.~;hway rigkrl;-o~'-wcay. !phis lei; l;e:r <br />was :received a•nd f:i.7.ed, <br />/I <br />