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08-12-64 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
08-12-64 Council Minutes
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~Ti.:NU'(l'Ei:> O1~ 'i'I113 itElCUli~:Ft i.?L95`.PIJ~IG <br />Olv !C'H:L~ VILE AGE CO~UIV CTh OF '.C33E <br />VIhh??Cl O:L' LITTLE CJUVAllA <br /> <br />lPhe .regular. meeting of the Council of the Village of Little Canada:vras held at <br />the Litble Canada l~'ire 13:x17.9 4q.0 E. Libtle Canada Road, on August 129 196q. at 7:30 P.1?, <br />'J'he follovring Cowicil members were present: <br />Carl Spooner9 Pfiayorg i'dalter Coenen, Clerkg Edward Loeffler and Joseph <br />Collova9 Trustees. <br />Absent: A4. Gene Jespersen <br />Alao present were Richard ]3oss9 't'reasurer.; Fred P. P;Tenune:r.9 tlt'torney9 and <br />Oscar Londin, Building Inspector; L, G. Jespersen, Road Supervisor, <br />UpoC]n motion by Loeffler, seconded by Collova9 the minutes of tkie regular meeting <br />of July 49 1y6~ vrex•e approved as read.. <br />iayes - Q. Nays - 0 <br />Oscar Londin, ]Building Inspector9 asked about rezoning property on the northwest <br />corner o.f Edgerton and highway 36. P/ir. Jbe Tkhamel was present and stated that he is <br />an officer of the ilriormon Church and that his church had purchased about eight and a <br />half acres at this particulax.• site which was to be devoted to the construction of a <br />church, The lrillage Attoxsley advised the Council that churches can be constructed in <br />residential zoned areas. The P~1ayo:r advised the 3uilding lnspector and l~'ir, :I:khamel <br />that; church construction could proceed withoub the necessitj> of any rezoning. <br />h'urther discussion wr:LS given to the question of leaving a ~~ezoning hearing fo-r <br />property owned by John Vitale so that he could use it for construcb:ing an. apartment <br /> on the North side of Little Canada Road, Easb of Jtice Street. It was decided <br />thab such a hearing should be postponed since 'the new rezoning matbe'r vrould be taken <br />up at the regular September meeting of the Council and at 'tha't time :i£ the total <br />rezoning plan was adopted luir. Vitale's property could be used as he desired. <br />T~%!r, Roger :Barlow9 resident on Demont Street near It4orrison Street9 cwnpla:ined <br />about a waber hole on the North side of llemont about 200 Feet west o.f lvtorrison Street. <br />A nwnber of people also appeared in support o.f Prir. :!3arlovr's criticism of this pond. <br />Upo~.~ motion by Co17.ova9 seconded by Loeffler9 it was <br />"lil~J~iOLV]illl9 that the Road Supervisor be and is hereby instructed to <br />purchase the necessary snovr fence and :install i.t along the st-reeb <br />side of this pond and along any other portion of the pond where it <br />appeared. that protection vras necessary to prevent very young• childr.ez'i <br />from falling into the vrater," <br />Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 <br />'.Phe :resolution was adopted, <br />hrir, 13.<trold. J. Spies of 2q.g0 ;3ice Streeb9 asked pexmissi.on. o:C the Counci]. to <br />establish a trailer park on his property just North of the 'Ter:race IIeigh'bs ':frailer. <br />Park. Jae stated that he could accommodate about fifteen house trailers, kIe was <br />
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