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advised by the Council 'bhat the]. vrould not approve the opening of anymm~e <br />mobile home parlts in ]:,ittle Canada and tha'b bhis wras being done pursuant 'to a <br />policy resolution. adopted :in Ap:ri1 1960, <br />i:'ir. 'tit~illi.,.am Stenger asked for the permission of the Council to move a building <br />].0 X :18 feet i.n size to hi.s used car ].ot on Rice Street to be used as an. of:['i.ce. Ile <br />,,^,tated that he would repair anal paint 'the building so that i't vrould present a neaL- <br />and acceptable appearance. <br />Upon motion 1>y Coenen.9 seconded by Collova9 :i. t; vras <br />"RJ±;SOLVFll9 that tb.e 13u:i:lding lnspec'bor be and is hereby authorized <br />bo issue a permit 'to place 'the 7.0 X lE3 foo~b build:in.g on. <br />Si;enger's used ca,r lot on. iiice Street." <br />Ryes - q. stays - 0 <br />'.Phe .reso].ut:ion was adaptedo <br />lvir. John Bentz ofLnl~. llemont atreet asked that stop signs be placed on the <br />corner of :Demont and. P,orrison Streets so that the traffic :Uernont out o:i <br />l~iorrison Street vrou:l.d have to come to a full stop. Ile also asked that tlxis be <br />done at Rose Lane and ldiclvlen.emy so -that th.e traffic en'te:ring 1FicIdienemy :from .Rose :Lane <br />vrould come to a stop. <br />Upon rno'tion by Collova, seconded by Loe1', i.'L' vras <br />"R1SOLVl~ID9 that the Clerl. notify the County 13oard to study the traffic <br />situation at llemont rrnil 4oxa~ison Streets and also at Bose Untie and :i4cP2enemy to <br />determine wh~her o:r. not stop signs should be installedo" <br />Ayes - n. \ays - 0 <br />'i'he resolution vras adgl>ted. <br />Joe; l~asciano9 Civil :Defense Director for I,:i.ttle Canada, asked ;permission <br />i'z•om bhe Comzcil 'bo purchase tyro more :poa:i.ce uniform., ~'or th.e Civil :Defense :Depa.rt- <br />merrb. <br />Upon mot:i.on by Collovea, seconded 'by Loel'i'ler, it vras <br />"]3:GSOi;VT9D, thea:t the Civil :Defense :Department be and is hereby <br />authorized to purchase two addii;ionerl police uniforms." <br />Ayes ~. 7ays - 0 <br />`i'he :resoluti.on was ad.opted> <br />1!kx~, ~r,'~Iilliarn Stenger asked the Couxrcil i'o-r. a street Warne sign ~to ~be ereo~bed <br />at the: corner of ~IciVienerr~y Road and Sextar.~.t Street. ':i'he Clerk was instructed to <br />notify the County h1~.gineer's office to provide such a sire at the c;xpense o:l' the <br />~I:illa„e. <br />'.1'he lvayor asked the recreation assoc:i.ation to procure and provide estimates <br /> <br />