ItiuI11°CT`.CT':i U7'' '1'il+, 1?fr[JhTiR 1';1L}li`:C1NG
<br />OP '1rHE V17~hAC1; COTTATCIh O:C++'' 9h1+1
<br />V7LL9.CE OT' L'S'.P'1TL79 CIILtAD11
<br />~ ~
<br />'i'he re7;~zlar meeting of the Council of the Village of L:i.tt7.e Canada was held at
<br />the L:i.'tb7_e Canada. Pine hall., ¢¢0 Il. Little Canada. Poad, on :ieptember 9, ].~6Q. at '7e30
<br />i'.i??, (I'he following Council mem:be:rs were presorts
<br />Ca:r1 Spooner, Ptiayo-r9 FJalter Coen.en, Clerlcy }dward hoc;f':f:l.e:r., Joseph Co1].ova
<br />and lvl. Gene Jespersen., Trustees.
<br />A.7_so present vre:re Ldtr. George Gotlieb of l;i. ~4'T, Carley°s office; Geor~3e
<br />Anderson of T'].axtning Conunissiong and 1!tr< l''red 1'. 1:'iemme:r, Village rittorney.
<br />(~ppraximately >¢ people were presen't<
<br />lChe 1:4ayo.r. ;;fated bhat- al; this time the public hea:r:in~ on the overall
<br />o£ the Vil7_cage would talre pla:ee, .[{e aslc:ed for any persons in the audience who er:iskt
<br />to be hca.rd to step forward,
<br />T4s°, A.. !;< l~osenc, Hl 7:ona Lane, and ?t~lr. fi'. t2. :Bergstrom of 51 Ionaa Lane, acting
<br />as chai.rmc;n fo:r about ten other persons front Iona Lane who we:ce also present, stated
<br />that they were opposed to the as submitted which would rezone the area Diorth
<br />of Tong hang up ~to Little Canada ~R.oad as Commercial. `l'hey stated that tl~tey :felt thu,t
<br />the South side of Little Canada 33oad. could be zoned as Limited Cotmnercial for a
<br />distance o:f ?_50 :fec;t South o:f iou:l;h :Line o:C Little Canada Road and that the ba:Lance
<br />o:f the property 7., between. i;ha1; lute anal tl'te zoned ,c~:ropes°ty on Iona
<br />:Lane should be zoned Class A.'3es:idence.
<br />li:r, iT~.trry Rondoa,u o.' 1.23 7,ittle Canada kioad objected to having h:is borne property
<br />zoned. conunercial. Sfe stated. that b.e would 7.ilce 'to ].cave the as it present:Ly
<br />i.:. ,
<br />:ors, 7~ranlc 7~ic:htenecke:r, 7.53 ls, Li.b'ble C<znada Road, stated that she :i'e7.t very
<br />much 7.ilre t~'lr> l~ondeau feels about this matter and 'that she does not v/ant her property
<br />zoned Corn;ncrcia:l,
<br />Plir, l~'red 7)ehonis, 2.8/6 :~'3ice Street, stated i;ha~t he vrou:Ld 7.ilie to ].gave h:is
<br />p:rope:r{;y ~aoned :e'es:identis:l fo:r at least a. yeax• becau:;e h.e intends 'L-o e:rect a new
<br />home.
<br />fvix, Berthiaume of.' Liable C~~ntada. Road. voi.oed of th.e zoning ir,.
<br />gene:ra7_ ern9_ in.B_i.cated that he felb the; Village warn°t movin.t; :ft3st en.ou~h on
<br />thin.~s like sewer and tauter ittstalla'tions,
<br />j~rr, `sdletmnex, Village Attorney, explained 'the zon:irtg ma,p starting bhat he cou .d
<br />ortl.y oxp.lai.n i.t as he und.erstood.:Lrom lvzr. Crr:r'Ley, >in.c,e lt1:r. Cara.ey ttad rovn.ewed flag
<br />map tvitYt D!ir.. l~.tiontrne:r at orte time, lrie pointed. out 'tha't{; had been done on.a
<br />basis o:P accepted. msbhods o.f deter,nina.nh uses, L'he i;;roperty on bobh sides of :Litt7.e
<br />Canada atoad h.a:ve been zoned Cornme:rci.ca7. ma.i.nly becaue;e the tra.ff.'ic count has coxtsta:rtt7,y
<br />been. it:creaaed and ever.;y :re<> :record of bo~bh the ti~bato 17ii~~hway Department artd.
<br />fate Couni;y ;Etnt;inee:r°s office, in.dLcates that this i.s only tl?.e beginn:i.nn; and. that wrhen
<br />the l:reevray is actually completed and opened for use, l,itble Canada :Road wil:L be more
<br />