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09-09-64 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
09-09-64 Council Minutes
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7/14/2009 12:53:02 PM
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8/7/2008 1:38:32 PM
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heav:i.:Ly tx•ave:lled titan it is n.ow, 7:Se pointed out that heavy tra.:ffic avid the use <br />by many people o£ a thorougl7f'etre a,s a so~.•t of artery leading from one p7..ace to <br />anothex is 'tide basis fo:r the development o:f mos~b cornntercial tltoroutnfr~ires> YT.e <br />also ex:plairted. other. ba.s:i.c :reasons For dandling tha zoning as it weds handled. by <br />tine F:Lanning Comrnis;;ion> 1st the conc:L'usion. of T:Yr. lricimner°;; discussion and <br />explan.atio:n, t:he people residing on. lon.a Lane presented a vrrittext pro;oosa7_ That <br />they had. prepared and asked 'that 'bdeir proposal be recorded.i.n bhe minutes, 'Pl?e <br />proposal. rnad_e by -these people vras that a, strip ?_50 feet :iii. depth from the stareet <br />extending from the South 7.ine o£ the 73ai't Store p:ro:pe:rty northward. along Pace <br />itreet i.n a, similar strip 250 £eet iii d_epbh extending ;southerly :f.'rorn Little Canada <br />Ttoad between. P~_ce ~~treet and liounii Lake also be zoned. as Limited, Commercial., tl,f ter <br />consiilereib:Le d:i.scussion and upon indication tha'b no one else ;^ras concerned with the <br />map, there was a :['eeling on tl.e part o£ 'the Council that the disputed items should <br />be held. .over and tl?e hearing continued. until lvl:r. Cax•7.ey9 who is the technical. <br /> engajed. by the Village to ma,k.e this rezoning, could be present. <br />Upon mo'ti.on by Jespex•sen9 secon.d.ed by Collova9 it was <br />"1?}~lSUL9P;D9 that tho hearing be con.t:inued for three weeks unt-i1 <br />`iep teniher 30th anal that the continued would. be limited <br />to the object:i.ons that lta,d been raised and tizat no future <br />hearing ti^rould be granted to anyone wild reference to other <br />1?ortiorts of the 'Vil:La,ge rezoning." <br />11yes - 5 idays - 0 <br />'.1'he resolution was adopted, <br />t4.r.< homer DesLau-ries stated that he had widened the travelling, on the <br />platted Jackson Street South from County Road 7S2 fair enough to reach h:is property <br />and provide ingress and egress :fb:ia himself, t'lr. Paul :Borg asked the Counoi.l wlto is <br />to ma:i.rrta9_n the street i.f it is to ix, considered a street. 'L'his was explained by <br />IJir. 1lenmter anal the Clerk. tJir. Des Lauries had with hirn bhe agx'eoment that had begirt <br />prepared by 1vSr. hemmer. to authorize the use of 'bhis street subject to the usual <br />agreement that tde Village ktad used in other instances. <br />Uport motion by Loeffler9 seconded by Col]_ova.9 :it was <br />"13IsSOLV1d:D, that the 7:nspecbo:r g:ranb a buil.ding• permla to <br />irlr< DesI.,au.ries provided that the agreement executed by him mus~l; be <br />placed oix record I;o bind h:im and ax{y future owners to the said <br />property," <br />~~*es - 5 Nays - 0 <br />'.Phe reso:l.ution vras ad.op'bed.> <br />`['Yte Cle:rlc presented a, resolution .received.:frorn the Highway .Depa,rtmen't. <br />Upon rnot:Loix by Jespersen, seconded by Collovay th.e £oll.ovring reso:l.utioit <br />war, adopted: <br />"1VkIPJItL'AS the Coimnissioner o£ Highways has prepared preliminary plans <br />f'or the i.inprovemen t o£ a, part of !ironic Highway Nwnber 3~0 reivumbe:ced <br />as 'lxunk: n:ighvray 7Junibex• 35li ~=~ithi.n the corporate l:i.mits o:f the,~e <br />of Li.'tble Canada f.'x•om the So, Corporate him:its to Jct. 9'.lii. 69~; and <br />_2_ <br />
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