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10-14-64 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
10-14-64 Council Minutes
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7/14/2009 12:53:21 PM
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8/7/2008 1:39:34 PM
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htlr'U1'J<;b J" 'ptiili 'PC'7iH%iY 1n+1 CT'iL'( <br />tr,, ,hla-~ ~, ~ ~ ~,~li c,. Uza~c:i~, ol,, `L'T1s <br />'!1J_,:1, (x l; 0? LL'i"CLIS Ci s:DS1 <br />a .x. .~. <br />''hci r•egu]ar meet~ni o:f' the Council of the v:i:Lla,<;e of ~i,ittle Cars.d:.. was held at <br />the Little Canula T:ir•e IZala_y 4¢0 ~r'. Li~t1e C.z:rzada Hoadg on October 149 195/1 att 'Je30 <br />S'.iVi„ The fo1lo~.vinx~~ Council. members were ;ore:;ent; <br />( xcl. Upoono:r, ;layory ti~TF~ ~te:r Coerten, C1er'~q )ildwa:rd Loefflery Joseph Co:Ll.ova <br />and. ?','I. Gene Jespcrsen9 'P:cus~tees. <br />Also prerent were 1?:red P. 1~iermrrer9 V':1.17.<age lttto:ruuey9 Osvar Lon.d-iny 3uil.din.g <br />lnapecto:r y ichaz d :3oss9 ':L'reasucr; L. G Jespe:rsen, :Road Su~erv.isot°. <br />iviinutes of the speciaa mee b:itxg of ~ep'tembe-r 16th. eras reed and aioproved. <br />A•ir Prank Lrutts appeared be:Pore the Cotznc:il and Mated. that he owns prope:r~ty <br />in the .louthern Slopes !!ddi.tion. and has trouble getting to and front his proper. ty <br />because of rubbish piled on the ol,atted roadway. '.L'he Council orderod the Village <br />Yol:ice Of:f:i.ce:c9 :q`1yors J.•'raatalon.ey to in:ves't;:igate the ma.tbe:r and o:rde:r the people <br />res:oons:i.b1 E; for the :r.•ubbir;h to have i't removed. <br />The lliayo:r. tkxen announced that -the Corxnci:i had before it for con.sicleration the <br />cont5.nuation of 'the h.ear:ing 'to adopt 'the ttevr zoning m~d.:i-Hance avid the map <br />and that this hc;ar:in.g was 'to be contii.ned, to the matters that had been held open <br />after ~bhe s:peci_a1 meeting of September 30th9 noanely the area between Ioi7a Lane and <br />Litt_ie Cantada ~oad9 the p:ro_~~e:cty ovrned by }'icr. 1±orton astd- bkte property owned. by lvtr. <br />i3ondeau. `Phe Nlayo:r also poin.tod out ~bha;t the joint o:f the :Plann:in.g Conunission. <br />w_tth the Council. lzad been held on Ocbciber 13th and a;; sr resuat o:i' that meeting; the <br />map htsd been a:tte:red in. the Po:1.Iowi.n.g manners <br />1, 'the property owned by }~onns.n llorton9 Jr. was ply-~.ced. back: in. the <br />cl.s.ssi.:fication of res:iderttial. zoning. <br />2. l±s to ~fne Ron.d.eau p.-roperty9 the joint mooting ha.d recommen.d.ed a, change <br />vah:ich is now befo:ce the Council. for i.nclus:ion in. th.e new zoning <br />to ltor?.deau an~i others similarly siburated., t:h.e right to :requesb :rezoning <br />from conunercial to residentirsl without payment o:f the .fee required by the <br />proposed. o.r,•d:in<arrce :C'or rezoning. <br />3. !Po revise ~bhe language of t-he zotv.nE3• ordinance to a setback of <br />150 feeb along the ri9est sido of ilourad Lake so that new buildings cou:Lii <br />be constructed on that portion of th.e p'ropert;y abubting Hound Lake. <br />tlftexr these changes were armounced9 there 'ollvwed considercible discussion 1>y th.ose <br />ixr.•eser~'t. <br />IIpon motion by Jespersen9 seconded by Collova9 i.'1; was <br />"TtI±;O1,V}i;D, bhab 'the changes as proposed be tznd are hereby included <br />in -the Hove zoning ordinance norr before the Councia . " <br />l:yca 5 itsrys 0 <br />'i'h.e resolubi.on was adopted.. <br />
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