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for :i.ot sizes i:ha't there was n.o rea>on 'to deny i:~~r. rii.).lea:•PS request. <br />Upon rnotio:n by Loeffler, seconded by Coerzen, :it vans <br />"T~+150L~°(.Lk), that ~i;kze -~3~ui] :I:ns_oector be and is hereby ins~t:ructed <br />to issue a permit to .r;lr, lion riil.:le:r pursuant 'to kr:i.s requ.e.;t. <br />Myer:; y Mays 0 <br />'I`he rosolutiorz was adopted. <br />1~4r. 1Terb Garsice n.ppeared beio:re the Council anal p:resesrted a proposed. p:Lat of <br />p:rope-rty orz Coun:tyitoad "D" J~~ast of 'N;dgerbon >breot. lIe stated tkza~t he want;od ~bo <br />ereo'b a :rc~.mbler type home, 'Chc Council decided. to d.el.~y oi' thie; rnatter <br />until the Gou.rzcia_ members thernselves viewed bhe property. <br />Upon mot:i.on by Loeffler, seconded by Collova, it was <br />";itl§30:L~71+~~), tha.t bhe 1_~'i.rc :Department be compensstted in the amowzt o.f <br />dG?50.00 pear year f:ro storage of voti.n~; machines." <br />4.yres 5 :Days 0 <br />7.'Yi.e :resoluti.on ryas adopted> <br />'Phs C1.e:rk no~tifi.ed the Cloancil that the General LJ.ection. of ifovernber 3:rd. would <br />:require the appointment o£ judges and clerks. <br />U;oorz mobiorz by Coenen, seconded by Collova, it ryas <br />"iZ(+tSOL!r11), 'that the persons bo and a:e'e hereby appointed <br />to acb as judges and. cl.erlcs for bhe General. Jiltection o£ 1\oveniber 3, <br />L96q.s <br />P'ix•s. :G'rances <br />n'i:r.s. h. Hannon <br />I~~S:rs. L. <br />J. Co llova <br />Pri. Je spe:rsen <br />I~~tcs. ]3ix'by <br />i!r;3. ~~'UX <br />Tt'Irs. Cl'lleb('CiC <br />P1irs. TJiostud <br />ftober b :De:Ba.ce" <br />byes 5 1~~ays 0 <br />The :re;rdlution. was adopted. <br />The Clerk presented a :;et of pla-ns :received from bhc Iligh~~aay i)epa•r•tanent :for <br />approval. 'Phew pa.ans were referred. to tkze 'Vi:llage L'ngi-Weer :E'or study. <br />lPhe C:Lex1i prasen:bed the Village Police O:f:fi.cer° s report for the month o:[" <br />Septemtior. (Pkzis repo_r~t was received and pl~~aced orz File. <br />Clerk ,ar.esented a report of assessed vaJ.uation. of Li'b'i;:1e Canada wka:ich he 7.1ad <br />received £rom the County _~lssesso.r. 'i'bis report wa,> received a;:rd. placed on .f5.le. <br />_~_ <br />