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01-12-2022 Workshop Packet
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01-12-2022 Workshop Packet
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CHAPTER 13. CODE OF ETHICS <br />Updated 2017 13-1 <br />13. CODE OF ETHICS <br />13.01. Policy and Purpose. It is imperative that all persons acting in the public <br />service not only maintain the highest possible standards of ethical conduct in their transaction of <br />public business but that such standards be clearly defined and known to the public as well as to <br />the persons acting in public service. <br />Subd. 2. The proper operation of a democratic government requires that public <br />officials be independent, impartial, and responsible to the people. Governmental decisions and <br />policies must be made in the proper channels of the governmental structure. Public office may not <br />be used for personal gain. Citizens must have confidence in the integrity of their government <br />officials. <br />Subd. 3. Public officials are agents of public purpose and hold office for the benefit of <br />the public. They are bound to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of <br />the State of Minnesota, and to carry out impartially the laws of the nation, state and municipality so <br />as to foster respect for all government. They are bound to observe in their official acts the highest <br />standards of morality and to discharge faithfully the duties of their office regardless of personal <br />considerations, recognizing that the public interest must be their primary concern. <br />Subd. 4. In recognition of these goals, there is hereby established a Code of Ethics <br />for elected or appointed public officials, citizens volunteers, and candidates for public office. The <br />purpose of the Code is to establish ethical standards of conduct for such persons by establishing <br />acts which are incompatible with the City's best interests and requiring disclosure of private or <br />financial interests in matters involving the City. The provisions and purposes of this Code of Ethics <br />are declared to be in the best interests of the City of Rochester. <br />13.011. Definitions. Subdivision 1. For purposes of this Chapter, the following terms, <br />phrases, words and their derivatives shall have the meanings given herein. <br />Subd. 2. The term “Appointing Authority” means the Common Council, the Mayor or <br />any other person who appoints a person to a Public Position. <br />Subd. 3. The term “Appointing Committee” means the President of Rochester <br />Community and Technical College, the Chancellor of the University of Minnesota Rochester and <br />the highest ranking officer of the Olmsted County Bar Association not associated with the <br />Rochester City Attorney’s Office. <br />Subd. 4. The term “Board” means the Ethical Practices Board. <br />Subd. 5. The term “Official Action” means any act, action, approval, decision, <br />denial, directive, disapproval, inaction, order, performance, nonperformance, recommendation, <br />vote or other direct result of a public official’s exercise of discretionary authority in connection with <br />the Public Official’s Public Position. <br />Rochester - Page 1 of 9
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