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CHAPTER 13. CODE OF ETHICS <br />Updated 2017 13-2 <br />Subd. 6. The term “Public Body” means the Common Council, any City agency, <br />board, commission, committee or other voting body authorized to act in any capacity on behalf of <br />the City of Rochester. <br />Subd. 7. The term “Public Official” means any member of the Common Council, any <br />City agency, board, commission, committee, or other voting body, and any department head, <br />employee, official, supervisor, volunteer or other person who is elected, appointed, employed, hired <br />by contract or in any other manner authorized to act in any capacity on behalf of the City of <br />Rochester. <br />Subd. 8. The term “Public Position” means any elected, appointed or employed <br />position that is authorized to act in any capacity on behalf of the City of Rochester. <br />Subd. 9. The term “Voting Body” means the Common Council and any other City <br />authority, board, commission, committee, council or group, regardless of whether its function is <br />legislative, administrative, quasi-administrative or quasi-judicial or any combination thereof, which, <br />in order to take any official advisory or final action, must act as a body on the basis of a vote of <br />some or all of its members. <br />13.02. Responsibilities of Public Office. Public officials hold office on behalf of the public. <br />They are bound to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of <br />Minnesota. Public officials must carry out impartially the laws of the nation, state, and city in <br />fostering respect for all government. They are bound in their official acts to discharge faithfully the <br />duties of their office. Public officials shall be dedicated to the public purpose and all programs <br />developed by them shall be in the community interest. Public officials shall not exceed their <br />authority or breach the law or ask others to do so. (4324, 12/4/17) <br />13.03. Scope of Persons Covered. Subdivision 1. Except as to section 13.05, the provisions <br />of this chapter are applicable to all public officials. (4324, 12/4/17) <br />Subd. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the disclosure requirements of <br />section 13.05 are applicable only to elected officials, city employees (including department heads <br />and supervisors) who have the authority to approve the expenditure of funds, members of boards <br />or commissions created by ordinance, and any person who has filed an affidavit of candidacy for <br />an elective city office, and any person who seeks appointment to any City board, commission, <br />agency, or committee. <br />(3947, 11/2/09; 4118, 7/15/13; 4202, 7/20/15, 4252, 7/6/16) <br />13.04. Conflict of Interest. Subdivision 1. No Public Official shall knowingly engage in <br />a conflict of interest. <br />Subd. 2. A conflict of interest shall include the following: <br />A.Engage in any business or transaction, or have a direct or <br />Rochester - Page 2 of 9