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01-12-2022 Workshop Packet
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01-12-2022 Workshop Packet
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CHAPTER 13. CODE OF ETHICS <br />Updated 2017 13-4 <br />discloses a potential conflict of interest, and refrains from participating in the discussion and voting <br />on the matter when it comes before the Public Body of which the Public Official is a member. <br />13.05. Disclosure. Subdivision 1. The disclosure requirements of this section are applicable <br />only to elected officials, city employees (including department heads and supervisors) who have <br />the authority to approve the expenditure of funds, members of boards or commissions created by <br />ordinance, and any person who has filed an affidavit of candidacy for an elective city office, and <br />any person who seeks appointment to any City board, commission, agency, or committee. <br />Subd. 2. Every person subject to these disclosure requirements shall file with the City Clerk <br />a disclosure statement indicating the following: <br />A.A list of interests in real property, except for the person's homestead, <br />located within the City of Rochester. <br />B.A list of interests in a business doing business with the City. <br />C.A list of interests in any business located within the City. <br />D.Current place of employment. <br />E.Such other information required by the Ethical Practices Board in order <br />to fulfill the objectives of the Ethics Disclosure Form. <br />Subd. 3. Every person who files as a candidate for an elective city office must file the <br />statement required by subd. 2 at the time the affidavit of candidacy is filed. <br />Subd. 4. Material changes in a person's interest or in place of employment shall be disclosed <br />by filing an amended disclosure statement within thirty days after the new interest is obtained or <br />the change in employment occurs. <br />Subd. 5. For purposes of this section, "interest" shall mean a substantial financial interest <br />through the ownership of stocks, bonds, notes, or other securities. "Doing business" shall mean <br />engaged in any contractual relationship with the City or making application for such relationship or <br />for any relief or benefit available from the City, including but not limited to variance, permit, license, <br />or plat approval. <br />Subd. 6. The City Clerk shall prepare disclosure forms, as approved by the Ethical Practices <br />Board, necessary for compliance with this section. The City Clerk shall notify the Ethical Practices <br />Board should any person described in subdivision 1 fail to file or update a disclosure form. In <br />response, the Ethical Practices Board shall inquire of the matter and, if appropriate, inform the <br />person’s Appointing Authority of the person’s failure to file or update a disclosure form. <br /> (4324, 12/4/17) <br />Rochester - Page 4 of 9
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