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CHAPTER 13. CODE OF ETHICS <br />Updated 2017 13-3 <br />indirect financial or personal interest, which is incompatible with <br />the proper discharge of the person’s official duties or which <br />would tend to impair the person’s independent judgment or <br />action in the person’s performance of official duties. Personal <br />as distinguished from financial interest includes an interest <br />arising from blood or marriage relationships or close business <br />or political association. For purposes of this clause, “financial <br />interest” shall mean a substantial financial interest through the <br />ownership of stocks, bonds, notes or other securities. <br />B.Use of the person’s public position to secure special privileges <br />or exemptions for the person or for others. <br />C.Use of the person’s public position to solicit personal gifts or <br />favors. <br />D.Use of the person’s public position for personal gain. <br />E.Represent private interests before the Common Council or any <br />City committee, board, commission, or agency where the <br />person has participated in the review of those private interests <br />as a member of any City committee, board, commission, or <br />agency. (4252, 7/6/16) <br />F.Possess interest in legislation to the extent that private interest <br />takes precedence over public interest and duty. <br />G.Accept or receive any gift of substance, whether in the form of <br />money, services, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, <br />promise or any other form, under circumstances in which it <br />could be reasonably expected to influence the person, the <br />person’s performance of official action, or be intended as a <br />reward for the person’s official action. <br />H.Disclose to the public, or use for the person’s or other’s personal <br />gain, information that was gained by reason of the Public <br />Official’s Public Position if the information was not public data. <br />I.Disclose information that was received, discussed or decided in <br />conference with the Public Body’s legal counsel that is <br />protected by the attorney-client privilege unless a majority of the <br />Public Body has authorized the disclosure. <br />Subd. 3. It is not a conflict of interest under this section if a Public Official publicly <br />Rochester - Page 3 of 9