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The 2013 Toolcat is scheduled to be replaced in 2021 for $56,000. The Toolcats are used all year for <br />such activities as mowing boulevards, plowing sidewalks, maintaining off road areas, and hauling <br />materials to difficult- to reach areas. <br />Small Equipment: <br />• Snowblower ($2,750): The 2001 Toro snowblower is scheduled to be replaced. It is used to blow <br />sidewalks around City Hall and the Fire Station and around lift stations and other areas. <br />• Jumping Jack Compactor ($2,000): The jumping jack compactor is used to compact backfill in <br />holes that are excavated. <br />The Public works Department will continue to follow the replacement schedule for identifying trucks <br />and equipment to be considered for replacement. As in the past, once a truck or piece of equipment is <br />identified, an analysis is completed to see if the item needs to be replaced per the replacement schedule <br />or can be deferred to a future year. <br />Street Projects (26-27) <br />Street projects to be completed in 2021 include Greenbrier Circle, Old County Road C, and the South <br />Owasso railroad crossing. <br />A map of the street projects for the next 5 years is included on Page 27. <br />Trail Improvements (Page 28) <br />$7,500 is included in 2021 for the Trout Brook Regional Trail. It is intended to be used for match funding, <br />if the County moves forward with exploring the trail. This is a County led project. In addition, $15,000 <br />has been included to plan for future trail connections. <br /> <br />Storm Projects (Page 29) <br />Pond cleanout has been included in the 2021 storm water projects. The pond that will be cleaned out is <br />scheduled to be the Little Canada Road pond west of Veterans Memorial Park. The City will bid this project <br />through a larger project with the Ramsey County Watershed District to realize cost savings on the project. <br /> <br />Water and Sewer Projects (Page 30-31) <br />As part of the 2021 Street Project, slip lining is proposed to be completed in the street project area. <br />$25,000 has been budgeted for this work. Nine new controllers are scheduled to be added to eight lift <br />stations and the Booster Station to improve the ability of staff to communicate with the stations remotely, <br />as well as increasing the amount of information/data staff receives from each station. This is estimated <br />to cost $30,000. The pumps are scheduled to be replaced at the Woodlynn lift station in 2021 at a cost of <br />$16,000. A portable vacuum unit is scheduled to be purchased in 2021 at a cost of $22,000. The unit can <br />be mounted to a Toolcat or pickup and allow staff to reach manholes on easements and other areas that <br />the Aquatech cannot get to. It is also easier to use for small jobs such as sucking out a catch basin or rain <br />garden trap. <br /> <br />FUNDING SUMMARY BY FUNDS (Pages 32-37) <br />The City accounts for capital projects in six Capital Project Funds. These funds are the General Capital <br />Improvements Fund, the Infrastructure Capital Improvements Fund, the Fire Equipment Fund, the Park <br />Land Acquisition Fund, the 10% Fund, and the Water/Sewer Replacement Fund. If a project that has been <br />identified in the CIP is not completed, the unspent funds stay in the Fund. In addition, the City has several <br />TIF Capital Project Funds. These TIF funds are currently budgeted on an annual basis per their respective <br />TIF Plans and Development Agreements. Highlights of the six Capital Project Funds are as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />6