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of the park system. This will give exposure to underutilized parks. It will also allow people new <br />to the area to be made aware of other park offerings within the City. The anticipated price for <br />design, materials, and installation is $20,000. This project was moved from 2020 to 2021. <br />• Entrance signs at all parks – New minimum maintenance park entrance signs to replace the <br />existing deteriorating signs for $33,250. <br />• Consultant – $30,000 is included for a consultant for the Pioneer Park Master Planning process. <br />Once the Pioneer Park Master Planning process is complete, park projects beyond 2021 may <br />need to be postponed in order to concentrate on the Pioneer Park improvements. <br /> <br />General park maintenance projects scheduled for 2021 include: <br />• Trail repair and maintenance at Pioneer Park <br />• New woodchips at the Nadeau Park playground <br />• Continued work on buckthorn removal and general tree trimming primarily at Spooner Park but <br />at other parks as needed <br />• Continued work on habitat restoration at Thunder Bay/Westwind Park following the Xcel clear <br />cutting from 2018 <br /> <br />Looking past 2021, some highlights of upcoming projects are: <br />• Boardwalk in Gervais Mill Park <br />• Boardwalk/Pier at Nadeau Wildlife Park <br />• Upgrade Band Shell at Spooner Park <br />• Pioneer Park Playground equipment (transfer from Park Land Acquisition Fund 456) <br />• Picnic shelter at Rondeau Park <br />• Fitness Equipment in the Thunder Bay/Westwind Park (contingent on grant funding) <br /> <br />Public Works Equipment (Pages 24-25) <br />Due to the large replacement cost for public works equipment, all major equipment has been included in <br />the schedule. If a piece of equipment will not be replaced in the next five years, the anticipated <br />replacement cost is identified in the future column. <br /> <br />Highlights of the 2021 Public Works Department equipment purchases are as follows: <br />The 2011 Ford F-250 is scheduled to be replaced in 2021. The truck has over 60,000 miles on it and is <br />used for plowing cul-de-sacs in the winter. Plowing is hard on trucks, particularly the transmission. The <br />truck was also involved in an accident back in 2012 and the back passenger quarter panel had to be <br />replaced. The replacement panel is already rusting and it is not from a lack of proper care. Staff is not <br />sure what the issue is. This truck serves as the utility truck and is in use each day for such work as <br />locating sewer and water utilities, checking lift stations, meter replacement, and other day-to-day <br />activities. The new truck will also have a plow, as it will serve as a plow truck on the east side of the City. <br />The estimated cost of the new truck and plow is $50,000. <br />The 2011 GMC pickup will be replaced as well. This truck is used in parks maintenance and also will <br />have a plow for plowing parking lots and trails and helping out with cul-de-sacs as needed. The current <br />truck has 41,000 miles on it and also has hard use from plowing and off road travel in the parks. The <br />plow had to be repaired last year and the truck has had some electrical problems in the past year. The <br />estimated cost of the truck and plow is $48,000. <br />5