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roughly dispose of 20-30 vehicles per year. City staff requested documentation showing the auto <br />salvage use has continuously occurred on the property. R&S pointed out they currently have <br />four to five vehicles on the property for salvage. During my previous inspection these vehicles <br />were not identified as salvage vehicles, in fact one vehicle was full of boxes and was being used <br />as a storage container. R&S said all those papers were shredded and now the car would be filled <br />with scrap metal. <br />City staff met with R&S on at least three more occasions and sent two more letters requesting <br />documentation of salvage operations occurring from the property. No information was <br />submitted until August 2008. R&S dropped off scale tickets from Metals Reduction Company <br />(a.k.a Mississippi Metro) showing scrap metal tonnages R&S had disposed of The reports are <br />dated September 2007 and Apri12008. R&S requested city staff contact the company to confirm <br />the salvage operations. Joel Hanson contacted Chris fiom Metals Reduction Co. and he indicted <br />that R&S does bring scrap metal in and occasionally a car for disposal. Chris reviewed the <br />attached scale tickets with Joel and confirmed that the last car brought in by R&S was in 2007. <br />Other disposals were of miscellaneous scrap metals and a car disposal would be noted as such. <br />Chris also said that due to the computerization of their records, he is not able to get back very far <br />in the past to search for disposal tickets other then what he provided to R&S. <br />Joel Hanson and I went to meet with Mr. Sandberg on September 26, 2008 to once again discuss <br />the city's position that auto salvage is not occurring from the property. During this meeting, Mr. <br />Sandberg showed us one vehicle they had on site for salvaging. This vehicle was currently <br />licensed, but inoperable and the truck bed was full of scarp metal. The City's definition of auto <br />salvage/wrecking/junk yard indicates there must be two or more vehicles. Mr. Sandberg <br />indicated that R&S gets in customers cars that are in need of repair. Sometimes the repairs <br />exceed the value of the car and owner decides to dispose of the vehicle. So R&S takes the <br />vehicle for them and disposes of it. The vehicles are held onto until there is enough scrap metal <br />stored inside to be brought to a state licensed scrap metal dealer. (R&S is not a State of <br />Minnesota licensed scrap metal dealer.) Mr. Sandberg confirmed that they average about one car <br />a month and no more than twenty cars a year. Again, based on the number of cars processed, <br />their use would not meet the definition given the fact they are only processing one car at a time <br />versus the code minimum of two. When Mr. Hanson informed Mr. Sandberg that Metals <br />Reduction Co. told city staff no cars have been brought in for a year, Mr. Sandberg said that <br />R&S does have other dealers they bring their scrap to. City staff once again requested <br />documentation showing such use. <br />Mr. Sandberg did confirm that R&S no longer has the crushing ability, they do not scavenger <br />cars, and do not get customers coming to their location to buy parts. They only take in an <br />inoperable vehicle, fill it with scrap metal, and take it to a dealer for disposal. Mr. Sandberg <br />repeatedly commented that R&S does not want to go back into the salvage business, but will <br />have to do so to make money if they cannot rent storage. <br />Based on the past admissions of R&S that salvage is not occurring, their lack of proof supporting <br />the claim they have continued salvage operations over the years, and that their current use does <br />not meet the city's definitions of salvage/junk yard/wrecking, it is staffs position that the CUP <br />for auto salvage has lapsed and the auto salvage license should not be issued. <br />