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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION <br />LITTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of Little Canada, <br />Minnesota was convened on the 3rd day of September, 2020 in the Council Chambers of the City <br />Center located at 515 Little Canada Road in said City. <br />Chair Dave Miller called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and the following members of the <br />Parks & Recreation Commission were present at roll call: <br />PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION: Horwath, Darling, Miller, Ray, Schletty, Chu <br />and Abruzzese. <br />ALSO PRESENT: Parks & Rec/Community Services Manager Bryce Shearen and Recreation <br />Coordinator Claire Hoffman. <br />In accordance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. Section 13D.021, the City Administrator has <br />determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of a health pandemic <br />or an emergency declared under Chapter 12 of the Minnesota Statutes. <br />Because of the health pandemic and emergency declaration, it has been determined that <br />attendance at the regular meeting location by elected officials and members of the public is not <br />feasible. Therefore, some or all of the Parks & Recreation Commission members may be <br />participating by telephone or other electronic means. This meeting will be recorded in its <br />entirety. <br />Members of the public may monitor the meeting on the CTV North Suburbs website (live stream) <br />or use the meeting link provided on the city website prior to the meeting. <br />MINUTES <br />Commissioner Horwath made a motion to approve the August 6, 2020 Parks & Recreation <br />Commission minutes as submitted. Commissioner Ray seconded the motion. The motion was <br />unanimously approved. <br />OLD BUSINESS: PIONEER PARK MASTER PLAN – RESILIENT COMMUNITIES <br />PROJECT (RCP) UPDATE <br />The Community Services Manager provided an update on the Resilient Communities Project <br />(RCP). He noted that the presentation was provided to the Council on August 26th and advised <br />that information was included in the Commission packet. He stated that the students felt that it <br />would be in the City’s best interest to take a step back and ensure that the process engaged lesser <br />represented portions of the community. He stated that Pioneer Park is a community park and it is <br />important to ensure that the entire community has a voice in providing input. He stated that an <br />updated timeline was provided in the packet for the RCP project and provided details on the