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MINUTES <br />PARKS & REC COMMISSION <br />SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 <br />2 <br />community engagement that could occur in the fall semester. He noted that after that process, a <br />consultant would be engaged in the process, similar to the Parks Master Plan process. He hoped <br />to conclude the planning process by May of 2021. <br />Chair Miller stated that he agrees that this is a whole new world and was impressed with the <br />definitions included in the report as well as how responses can be interpreted. <br />Commissioner Horwath stated that he watched the Council meeting and was impressed with the <br />desire to do a thorough job of obtaining stakeholder feedback and understanding where this <br />project can go based on the needs of the community. He thought that it was important to <br />consider that a lot of times you hear from people with the strongest voice, but they may not be <br />the strongest stakeholder in terms of impact. <br />Commissioner Chu stated that she is very encouraged by this to expand this process and better <br />engage different voices in the community to ensure the park design is inclusive. She stated that <br />the City will learn a lot through this process and can then apply similar processes across the City <br />in terms of engaging the community and its changing demographics. <br />The Community Services Manager stated that the group of students that worked this summer <br />were volunteers that were not paid for their services and they all felt strongly about this project <br />and have volunteered their efforts in continuing even though their course has been completed. <br />Commissioner Darling commented that the article on the front page of the newsletter was well <br />done and is comprehensive about this topic. <br />NEW BUSINESS: SPOONER PARK LOWER SHELTER <br />The Community Services Manager stated that within the Parks Master Plan it was determined <br />that the Spooner Park lower shelter needed repair and updates. He stated that this project was <br />programmed into the 2020 Parks CIP with an estimated cost of $75,000. He stated that staff <br />worked with Bolton and Menk to develop options for an open-air shelter at Spooner Park. He <br />provided details on the existing shelter, noting that it is typically rented frequently although there <br />have not been as many rentals during the current COVID times. He provided details on the <br />proposed shelter elements. He also reviewed the design options submitted. He stated that the <br />midlevel options fall within the available budget and suggested that Commission focus on those <br />two options, noting the main difference in the size. <br />Commissioner Horwath asked if there is a concern with the volume of parking available with a <br />larger shelter. <br />The Community Services Manager stated that he does not anticipate that there would be an issue <br />with parking. He recognized that parking is somewhat of a premium everywhere. He stated that <br />the intent in increasing the size was not to increase the number of allowed for rentals, but simply <br />to provide them with more space.