<br />Development Review Committee:
<br />The Development Review Committee is made up of city staff including the City Administrator,
<br />Community Development Director, Public Works Director, City Engineer, Code Enforcement, Fire
<br />Chief, and Building Official. The proposal has been reviewed by the committee and comments have
<br />been provided to the applicant.
<br />Site Plan reviews include the following:
<br />• Land use, setbacks, number of housing units, land coverage, parking, environmental impacts,
<br />traffic circulation,
<br />• Landscape improvements, vehicle and pedestrian movements, drainage and utilities, security,
<br />fire protection, life and safety issues, grading, site preparation, right-of-way, easements, tree
<br />preservation, outdoor trash,
<br />• Screening, signage, stormwater, wetlands, exterior lighting, and storm sewer alignment.
<br />
<br />Preliminary Engineering Comments:
<br />Engineering staff has performed a cursory review of the proposed development. Generally, the
<br />proposed infrastructure to serve the development meets the City’s engineering guidelines. As the
<br />development plan progresses, engineering staff will perform a higher level of design review on the
<br />following elements: site grading, underground utilities, stormwater management, street, and erosion
<br />control. All future engineering comments will need to be addressed prior to final plat approval.
<br />
<br />Agencies:
<br />The RWMWD (Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District), DNR, and Ramsey County continue
<br />to review this development proposal. Following the initial meeting with a RWMWD representative,
<br />the City was informed that the Watershed would require a zero run-off condition for the
<br />development. This is due to the existing conditions of the site and how it currently handles infiltration
<br />and runoff. The existing site includes a large basin area at the north end of the parcel that has no
<br />outlet, and per the drainage calculations has zero run-off in the existing condition. It is very unusual
<br />for a site to have zero runoff in existing conditions, however this site currently infiltrates stormwater
<br />very well. Based on the Ramsey-Washington Watershed rules, any increase in runoff rates for a
<br />proposed development would require a variance. The current stormwater management plan maintains
<br />the zero runoff rate, however final soil conditions have not been verified. This will be provided prior
<br />to consideration of approval of the Preliminary Plat currently anticipated at the August 24 City
<br />Council meeting.
<br />
<br />Park Dedication:
<br />Per City Code, parcels that are subdivided are subject to a park dedication fee of either a portion of
<br />the land donated to the City or a fee in lieu of donated land. This will be negotiated through the
<br />Development Agreement process.
<br />
<br />Comprehensive Plan:
<br />The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan states that the R-1 Low Density
<br />Residential District is reserved for a density range of 2.5 to 4 units/acres.
<br />
<br />The density of this project is stated below:
<br />• Total acres: 3.13 acres (136,342 sf)
<br />• Total (infrastructure) area: 0.62 acres (26,717 sf) of proposed right-of-way
<br />• Outlot A which includes the floodplain area (23,987 sf) has been netted out
<br />
<br />Density: 7 units/ Net acres 1.96 acres (85,638 sf) is 3.57 units/acre