<br />YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2022
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />(17)
<br />
<br />The following is a summary of the City’s change in net position:
<br />
<br />2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
<br />Program Revenues:
<br />Charges for Services $ 1,948,523 $ 908,285 $ 3,611,932 $ 3,484,513 $ 5,560,455 $ 4,392,798
<br />Operating Grants and Contributions 698,238 343,816 - - 698,238 343,816
<br />Capital Grants and Contributions 1,225,082 1,019,104 369,202 - 1,594,284 1,019,104
<br />General Revenues:
<br />Property Taxes 3,997,591 3,601,885 - - 3,997,591 3,601,885
<br />Other Taxes 466,344 1,187,896 - - 466,344 1,187,896
<br />Contributions Not Restricted to
<br /> Specific Programs 1,070,717 434,909 - - 1,070,717 434,909
<br />Unrestricted Investment Earnings (301,608) 6,597 1,557 (4,420) (300,051) 2,177
<br />Other 576,214 - 4,044 - 580,258 -
<br />Gain on Sale of Capital Assets - 61,373 (61,373) -
<br />Total Revenues 9,681,101 7,563,865 3,986,735 3,480,093 13,667,836 10,982,585
<br />General Government 897,492 761,904 - - 897,492 761,904
<br />Housing and Economic Development 274,253 282,710 - - 274,253 282,710
<br />Public Safety 2,658,787 2,585,476 - - 2,658,787 2,585,476
<br />Public Works 2,431,627 2,187,357 - - 2,431,627 2,187,357
<br />Sanitation 476,404 462,250 476,404 462,250
<br />Culture and Recreation 922,706 717,520 - - 922,706 717,520
<br />Interest on Long-Term Debt 108,818 123,869 - - 108,818 123,869
<br />Water - - 1,968,973 1,766,622 1,968,973 1,766,622
<br />Sewer - - 1,616,403 1,514,193 1,616,403 1,514,193
<br />Total Expenses 7,770,087 7,121,086 3,585,376 3,280,815 11,355,463 10,401,901
<br /> SPECIAL ITEMS AND TRANSFERS 1,911,014 442,779 401,359 199,278 2,312,373 580,684
<br />Special Item 51,951 - - - 51,951 -
<br />Transfers 375,000 244,438 (375,000) (244,438) - -
<br />Total Special Items and Transfers 426,951 244,438 (375,000) (244,438) 51,951 -
<br />CHANGE IN NET POSITION 2,337,965 687,217 26,359 (45,160)2,364,324 642,057
<br />
<br />Net Position - Beginning of Year 45,881,556 45,194,339 10,188,046 10,233,206 56,069,602 55,427,545
<br />NET POSITION - END OF YEAR 48,219,521$ 45,881,556$ 10,214,405$ 10,188,046$ 58,433,926$ 56,069,602$
<br />Governmental Activities Business-Type Activities Total
<br />
<br />Net position increased by $2,337,965 or 5.09% in governmental activities as a result of current year
<br />operations. Increased revenues accounted for the change in net position.
<br />
<br />Overall revenues from governmental activities increased $2,117,236. The increase in governmental
<br />activities revenues can be attributed to licenses and permits revenue of $562,379 in the current year
<br />versus $195,101 the in prior year, an increase of $367,278, as well as an increase in park fees of
<br />$102,363 from the prior year as a result of the new developments of Gervais Woods Second Addition
<br />and Twin Lake Housing Development. Further, the City received a $400,000 donation for the Pioneer
<br />Park Playground from LCRA, with the park scheduled for completion in 2023. The City also recognized
<br />$506,768 of ARPA revenues in current year for the Rondeau Park Improvements and $126,257 in state
<br />grants were received in the current year; $29,257 for Emerald Ash Borer project and $97,000 for the
<br />Gervais Mill project. Lastly, the City sold a property for $498,543 to a developer for the Twin Lake
<br />Housing Development.
<br />
<br />Governmental activities expenses increased by 9.11% or $649,001. The increase is primarily due to an
<br />increase in public safety costs of $73,311 from prior year, as police and fire contracts with neighboring
<br />governments increased a total of $32,180 and protective inspections costs increased $21,096. Public
<br />Works expenditures also increased $244,280 from the prior year. Of this increase, $41,365 of this
<br />increase relates to personnel services as well as one additional part time staff added during the year,
<br />approximately $56,000 relates to operating cost increases due to inflationary price hikes during the
<br />year, and $13,000 relates to an increase in electric and gas utilities over prior year.