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Upon motion by Nudeuu, aeconded by Spaane~L, it wcv~ <br />"RESULVLD, ,thud; ~empaLrur.i,2y .the. Ramaey <br />Cawad:y ~3ui2diny Code be and .i~ he~Leby p2uced <br />.Ln Uahee with.Lia .the ViP.euye to yovULn cLP~ <br />bui2cLinG and conh~icuci:Lon u~i.C hueh .iirne <br />as the Coun~i.e adoptn a p~Lman.ehi hu,iedd.ny <br />code." <br />Ayes - 5 Naya - 0 <br />Upon ma~i.on by Spaaneh, aeeanded by LaeUUEe~L, .it wcv~ <br />"RCSULVL-D, .thud .the viP~Caye attah.ney <br />be and ,v~ he~Leby ,Ln/ to d/LUw an <br />ohdinunee e~d:ubP~h2ny a vi22aye bu,i~d2ng <br />depcuL>ment, p2uciny a bu.i?dinG dnhpe.c~ah <br />do ehu/Lye .thv~LeaU with awthon.<,ty ~o ~Leee,Lve. <br />appP.i cuti a na , .i~a ue pehmita , and ea ~2eex <br />,the Uee~ .th.e/Le{~aL, nemittiny .the acme. u~.te~L <br />c_o2.Pe_ction ,ta ,the viP.2uye .ULeuauneh." <br />Ayes, - 5 Nuya - 0 <br />The c.2e~Lh head .two eommun,Leutiov~ w1~,Lch hud been hece~ved, <br />one be, un upp.P.ica#,Lon by Uacan Loncli.n Uon .the job aU bud.2di.ny <br />, and .the. a~he~L heLny un uppP.icution by ACbeht C. Johvu~an <br />Uon ;Lhe jab o~ eXeethdeuk 2vvp¢eto~. <br />Upon ma.ti.on by Spoane~L and aeeanded by Vitu!~e, ~ wu~ <br />"RESULVLD, ghat .the Vi2euye Caune,i.E <br />hereby appa.~nti~ UacwL Londin ua a{~U~e.ia2 <br />bu,i,Cd,%ny dn~pec~taL Ua2 ,the Vi~2uye a{ Lit- <br />.t2e Canada. " <br />AyeJ~ - 5 Naya - 0 <br />Upon mo.ti.ou~. by VitaC'e, aeeonded by LaeUUCen, it wua <br />"RESOLVED, thud .the bu,~.2diny 2u~peedah <br />be campevwuted an .floe bu/,.ih aU Twa u~i.d 50J100 <br />Da CCc~ ~ $ 2.5 0) {~ aL each pe~Lmit .i~a ued p ~.u~ <br />7wa anal 50/100 DoE2u/v~ ($2.50) Ooh. each .in- <br /> made, and .thud: ~I~ Uee be .Ln Uonee <br />.immedi.ud:e2y upon the udap.tian aU d:h,v, ReJ~a- <br />PutioN. ao .i:hat ,thoJLe wau2d be na .inte~vLUptian <br />.tn the bu,t:2d~.ny ae~ti.vity undedL way oh pR_anned <br />wit4u:n. the Vi2kaye dun.i ny ;Che .end between <br />.the date a U .th i~ meet,i.nG and zhe duce o U .the <br /> aU un andinunce a bui2d- <br />.in.y depu/Ltme~t." <br />Ayo~ - 5 Naya - 0 <br />-4- <br />