Upan ma~:i.aw. by V.i.ta,2e, heeanded by Spaone~c, .i,t wab
<br />"RESULVED, .thak .the V.i.P.2age Caune~2
<br />heneby appa~wth A2beht C. Joh.u/~an a/~ a{~-
<br />U.Lci.ak ePec.t~~i.caZ ~vv~pecton .ta wanh. unden
<br />.the hupenv.i~.ian aU and ah an cu~h.ih.tav~t .to
<br />the bu,i,eding ,i.n~peetan."
<br />Ayes-5 Nayh-0
<br />Upan ma~.i,an ob LaeUfken, heeanded by V.itake, ~ was
<br />"RESULVEDJ, ,thak .the bee ~a be ehanyed
<br />Uan an e~ectn.i-caP po~m,it be .tempananii,2y
<br />het ax F,Lve DoP~a/u~ ($5.00) and .that .the
<br />e.2ectn.i.c~k .Livpe~tan be eompeu/~ated on a
<br />Uee br~.ih.°
<br />Aye-5 Nayh-0
<br />Upan maii,on by Lae4UC¢h., heeonded by V.~ta.ee, .it was
<br />"RESULVED, .that .the V.i,~P.aye a4 L.itt,Ce
<br />Caiaada engay e .the h eh v.tceh a U the Ramp ey
<br />County Eng~neen'h Depantmev~t Uan .the pwe-
<br />poee aU hnaw nemavak and Woad hand.Lng an
<br />rr.CC h~/i.ee~s w,ithi.n .the V,i.~2age, and bun~h~c
<br />.that .the Ckeh.h be and .i~ heheby .Lvin~iiue~ed
<br />.ta 4anthw.ith earnp.i,2e a ~d oU a.P.e h.tv~eet~
<br />w.ithi.n .the V.i,P2aye and ~anwand haLd P.i~.t
<br />.ta .the Cauwty Boated and .the County Eng.Lne~.'h
<br />o U U,i.ee h a .tiw,t .thevice w.CZE be na dewy ~.n
<br />hav,Lng hnow nemaved w.i.t6un .the V.i,e.2aye."
<br />Aye - 5 Nayh - 0
<br />Upon ma.tian by Spaaneh, heeanded by Loe{~4keh, .ct was
<br />"RESULVED, .that the Ck~+.h. be and i/.,
<br />h~,eby .Lru,1/iucted .to ,i/~bue P i,eevu~eh 4an
<br />.the hake ob Wan-,Lntax.ieating 3.2 been with-
<br />.i.n .the V.i.PCage, ha.Ld Pi.eevu~e~ to be .ihhued
<br />an a .tempanan,y baa.i/> coveni.ng .the pe~+.iod
<br />Unom the date ob ,th,ih meeting uvtti,C June
<br />30, 1954, cLt a Uee o{~ F.ive Da2Cw+~ ($5.001
<br />ban each aG6-hake Cicev~ e and Five DoP~an~
<br />I$5.00) Uan each on-hake e,i.eevu~e, and
<br />Uunthen zhaz .the v.i.P.2age a-ttonney be and
<br />,ih hereby ~.iv~-thurted to dnaU.t and hubm.it a
<br />pe~unanent 3.2 bey. Pieev~s.Lng ondLnanee .to
<br />hupe~ede the temponanu P.ieeu~e heh,e,in pno-
<br />v.ided, as ob Juky 1, 1954."
<br />Ayes-5 Nayh-0
<br />-5-
<br />