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I~Ia:IdUZ'1sS OF 'i'HP; SPECIAL I-i1,.~~`i'I:iVC <br /> ClJ'Z COUNCIL <br /> LlY"k'k,E CANr1DA9 1'~ziNA~;LSOTA <br /> January 239 19f3O <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special.rneeting of the <br /> Council of the City of "little Canada9 I4innesota was held on the <br /> 23rd day o.f' „anuary9 :L)&0 irr the Council Chambers of the City <br /> Center located at 5:L5 Little Canada Road in. said City, <br /> ;-favor Raymond Hanson chaired and called 'the meeting to order at <br /> 7;1'L Y.t~•1, <br /> MP;t,}3likz.`i PFZF'Si~~NT: r`~ayor azr, aa.ymond Manson <br /> Councilman t~4r, Robert Del3ace (arrived 7e2~ P,k~1,) <br /> Councilman i~ir, i~iichael Fahey <br /> Council~~roman 3~irs, Beverly Sca.lze <br /> ALSO PRliSlil4`t a City Clerk P4r, Joseph Ch:Lebeclc <br /> City ,`ittorrzey Nir, Clayton Yarlcs <br /> Recording Secretary l~lrs, ltathleen ~;lanzer <br /> ifz}~t~ii3F;kiS 41JSSliN1': Councilman ~r, Floy iVadeau9 Jr. , <br /> <br /> k~'ire Dept, i°1r, Diclc lsoss9 I~'ire C'hief9 appeared before the Council to report <br /> Pension that under a ne*a State law the City is required to have three <br /> Board. elected representatives on the Dire Departrnexrtos Pension Board, <br /> }3css reported That the F3oa,rd holds about four meetings per yea,r9 <br /> unless there is a death or a special occurance that would warrant <br /> a rneetirzg, <br /> l~ta:yor Manson reported that 1~1r, Deliace and i4-r, I'ahey are members o£ <br /> the k'ire Depa.rtrnerxt. Theref.'ore9 Hanson stated that he would appoint <br /> Councilwoman Sca.lzo9 Counciaanan Nadeau and himselF as -tyre City~s <br /> three representatives on the Wire Pension :~oard, <br /> `ihe fire Department will be electing six. o:l' its members to sit on <br /> the Pension Board, Therefore9 it is possible that Coune~ilrnen I'ahey <br /> and. DeBace could be elected to the board from -the Fire 1lepar'tment, <br /> Senior 1°lr, Stephen Rice the tirector of ProErara Development £'or the Conuaunity <br /> Citizen Development Corporation9 a rron-profit corpora'bion of the Archdiocese <br /> Housing of Saint Paul and iinneapolis9 made a presentation 'to the Council regarding <br /> the developrnexrt of senior citizen housing, I'ir, i2ice stated that the <br /> Archd.`GOCese has been involved :in this £or eigkrt years, <br /> It~ice informed the Council that there are tzao sources of Financing; <br /> for housing, These a,re the i4innesota. Dousing Fixrance E1~yency which <br /> restricts it financin- to family housing9 and the Deparbmen't of <br /> Housing and Urban Developrrrent (iiUD) under the Section q/202 program, <br /> Pale -1- <br /> <br />