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<br /> 1~ili~U`Pi~S <br /> City Council <br /> (Cont~d,) <br /> January 23, 1980 <br /> Under the Section ii'~U2 program, the financiruo~ would consist of a <br /> direct loan from the U,S. Treasury, The Yr202 program has financing <br /> available in 1980 for apprvxima:tely 31U units of elder:Ly housing <br /> and hand5.capped housi.zzg, <br /> 1~Ir. :;ace reported that some of the things the lrrchdiocese crould look <br /> at .in Latt:Le Canada caould be first the market f'or elderly housixzg <br /> in Little Canada, second 'arhether Little Gana.da. has an adequate sate <br /> for elderly hous:rng, and th:i.rd crhether Little Canada s needs relative <br /> to vl-her needs caould be recogn:l.zed by both HUD and 'the <br /> Metro Council. <br /> l~layor Hanson asY.ed lair, tU_ce the m:rnimurrr number of units the Community <br /> Development Corporation has j~at up, i<ir, ?;ice replied that in Wit, Paul <br /> they put up a !t8 un:Lt building, in IQevaport they put up a. ~2 unit <br /> building, Bice further stated that a buildi o' should have between <br /> 50 and 100 units to warrant afull-time cartaker,; stated 'that <br /> senior citizens prefer having afull-tune carta.lcer on the premises, <br /> iir, k~Lce further stated that of rr bualdan had 100 units or more <br /> you could then provide a meal program in tyre building which. would <br /> provide one ,Heal per day for the seniors, <br /> i~ir, iZice outlined Borne of the requirements that seniors must meet to <br /> obtain this subsidized housixzg. First of all the senior must be <br /> b2 years of age or older, Handicapped persons can be any age, 'i'he <br /> spouse of a, senior could also be any age to lave in a subsidized unit, <br /> Une persozz could have an income of ~ylJ.,750 per year, two people could <br /> have an income of ~1j,400 per year, Income as determined by socaa.l <br /> security and 10~ oi' assets. Rent for an apartment unit is based on <br /> 2% of i.n.corne, 1'4r, iti.ce stated that if the senior owned a home, They <br /> would not be required 'to se1:L i.t, but could rent it out and i.ncludc <br /> the rental income as part of thea:r income, Once a. senior's income <br /> is above the ancorne lamatati.on, the senior would have to pay the fair <br /> rnarlcet rental. rate, oahach at this tune is about ;;375.00 per month, <br /> The claffervnce betcaeen the rent of a subsidized. unit and the actual <br /> rent :is paid by the taxpayers. <br /> klayor rlansorz stated 'that the City is not ixr favor of having more <br /> apartmenl;s in Little Canada, but is interested in providing housing <br /> for senior citizens, Ranson asked ~r, nice what caould happen if the <br /> goverxzrnent * from subsidizing these units, ;~ir, Mice stated. <br /> that this is a pretty extreme cirewnstance, cahich he couJ.d not foresee, <br /> i~lr, Rice stated that the Community Development Coroorattion has <br /> developed a total. of !t!t> housing units. ':Che Corporation does not <br /> ,manage them directly, but is in 'the rnaxza.E;ernent business. The <br /> k~esirninster Corporation is their rnana.gement corporatioxz, T't is a <br /> proi'it organization, Their management a:ee varies, it is about G or <br /> 'lI~• <br /> Y4rs, ~calze as:ced i~Jr. , nice what would ha_ppe:a if' the City dr..tided that <br /> the Cdestrn:inster Corporation was no't doing a good job, Nr, l~:ice stated <br /> that an electioxr is held *,rithin the subsidized building among the <br /> residents. 't'hese elected residents then nominate 'the management <br /> Page <br /> <br />