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<br /> I.4ThUT'liS <br /> City Council <br /> (Con't~d.) <br /> January 23, :L9ki0 <br /> City T"ne Ci.iy has received two bads to provide liability insurance coverage <br /> Liability for. the City, one :Prom home Insurance, tkre C'ty~s present insurance <br /> Insurance carrier, irr the amount o:f~i'LL~,Oy3.00. The other i.s from the I~clGarnara <br /> Company, with kiartford being; the insuror, in the amount of $20,871.00, <br /> The City Attorney reported 'i:hat under the fionre bid the bodily injury <br /> limits were h9.gher than under the I~cIQarnara bid. The Attorney stated <br /> that this eras not significant, ho:aever, The Attorney reported that <br /> under the NacTlaxnara b:i.d comprehensive crime coverage was provided a.nd <br /> also it appeared that garagekeepers' liability coverage eras also <br /> provided. Parks stated that the kcAiama.ra bid skrould be checked <br /> to see that the garagrokeeperso liability coverage is included in the <br /> bid. k'arl,s .reported that if the g;aragekeeperso liabil:ty is included, <br /> -then the coverage is less expensive and more comprehensive as submitted <br /> by kdci~ama,ra. <br /> I~ir. Fahey introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptions <br /> ktES07;OT'IOI•d NC. 80-1-~1 - .d~CCEPTIkdG THG BID F'ktOk`I TBL <br /> t~4cNAi~lilkZEr CONiPt1l1Y FOR LIABILITY, InISUHAI~ICE COVkRAGE <br /> FOtt `i'ME C1T.Y 01~ LI'TLE CANADA <br /> 'Phe foreg;oing• resolution oras duly seconded by k,r. lleBace. <br /> Ayes (Lt) k~ahey, I)eBace, Manson, Scalze. <br /> irayes (0). <br /> Resolution declared adopted. <br /> This resolution appears in itesolu'tion Book iio. b, Page 2B. <br /> Building i~Ir.. 1~'ahey submitted to Councilrnernbers a. copy of the building <br /> :Cnspector inspector job description for the City of :;~oodbury. I'ahey suggested <br /> Position 'that the Courrci.l look at it and. be prE;pared to discuss it with 'the <br /> Planninr~; Gosrrrnission at tornorrovr nighty s rneetin;. <br /> k-rs. Scalze stated that in -the building inspector's duties the City <br /> skrould incorporate erha.te'ver it is including in 'tyre proposed zoning; <br /> ordinance under zoning administrator, Councilman DeBace stated that <br /> if the City would combine the building inspector axrd zoning aclrninistrabor <br /> positions 'these are two very different jobs acrd a. building inspector <br /> might have trouble with the zoning aspects. itilrs. Scalze swatted that <br /> to be a building inspector a person should I,no~,r the Cityr s zoning. <br /> I•iayor kIanson reported that the City~s Building Inspector has requested <br /> being included in any meetings the Council and Planning Cornrnissi.on <br /> might have t:o discuss 'bhis position. Councilman Del3ace stated that <br /> he felt the ksuildin(; Inspector skrould 'nave some i.npu't. I~'akrey started <br /> that the Council and Planning Cormnission should decide vrkra't 'they <br /> vrant and then get 'the Building lnspec'tor~s input. I~'ahey suggested <br /> the Council and Planning Cornrniss:i.on loo:c this over tomorrot=r night <br /> and develop a job clescriution and send it to the building' Inspector. <br /> The Council cou7_d then ct~scuss it ;r'cth hi.rn at the February re€;ula,.r <br /> Counc9.l meeting. <br /> Page -6- <br /> <br />