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<br /> i'LIId U <br /> 1':~u <br /> City Council <br /> (Contrd,) <br /> February 6, 1)80 <br /> '1'ne uenate will be holding a hearing at which the City could testify <br /> requesting that this clause be struck f'.rorn the Uniform Condominium ,'act, <br /> Councilwoman Scalze is requesting that the City do this. <br /> The F~ttorney agreed that the C~-ty should testify, c;calze reported <br /> tha:i, the hearin€; will be head on Friday znorn:inl; at 8:30 A,;Ae <br /> A;r, Fahey introduced the followi.rrg resolution a.rrd moved i'ts a,doptiona <br /> it;CSOL'JT:i:G,'V IdOe 80-2-b1 - :CiVSTitUCTIiVC 'i'I115 Cl`J'X k1`I"I'OPi!';~:X <br /> 'i0 a'~T'":'~ilv.U `I'U SF.v.ExT;:; I-IL1r1tLtG Oti ii:@;I~tA:,i~' G7.~ TII",5 CITY <br /> GOUiVCI:L 7.'0 ERk'fi[SSS '7'IIi; C1TYrS OPPOSI`I'ICiv '1'C `I'i:fiV <br /> PA4c,wF~'QPTOLiY CLr1USFJ ]:NCLU7Jli1) I1dT.HL+' UN.LU'Ol.{i°i UOie'DOI°i:LN:IUt•I <br /> AC`l' <br /> `Che foregoing resolution was duly seconded b'y sirs, Scalze, <br /> dyes (5) I''ahey, Scalze9 1Vadeau, 'rianson9 Le13a.ce, <br /> [Vayes (0), <br /> .teso:Lution declared adopted, <br /> This resolution appea-rs i.n IZesolut:ion Boole ::o, b, rage 36, <br /> ;;eni.or Counci.uaan Fahey asked if.' i.t was :feasible to purchase some property <br /> Citicexr fo.r. the senior ciaizen housing deve:Lopnrerrt, bnt then just; i;kre <br /> housing lrchdiocese a ground lease for the property, <br /> DeveLoprnent <br /> t,c'torney Parlcs stated that this might be possible if :it didn~~b <br /> :interfere raitYr the Archdiocese getting th;: .financing E'or tr,e deve_l.opment <br /> acrd as 1onl; as iIUD has no opposi.ti.on, <br /> '.i.'he City Clerk stated that the City could Float a, bond fo-r the property <br /> acid only .require 8G`i~ reimbursement for the property _fror<i 'the Archdiocese, <br /> The City could pick up thereraaining 20%, <br /> i,ar~nnei~ s The .alttorney reported. tYrat the tiaxnrne7. case carne up for trial, The <br /> i;ivestock case ora.s dismissed., First o£ al.l., i4r., 's;~idmer was i.n Florida and not <br /> able to testify at the trial, iIis son' ilennis ,Ii.daner,'i.ed in <br /> his p.Lace. Before the trial Dennis ',TicLner wa.s questioned 'to estab:l.ish <br /> that tYrere was enough cause to begin the trial, ',;hen questioned' <br /> Dermis 'niidruer was not sure where 'the smell that 'was causing <br /> the nuisance was coming from, `l'here:['ore9 the prosecutor icrroar his <br /> case was not strong enough to kirove a public nui.>ance, It was de'bex•r~uned <br /> that this was a private problem petGreen Mr> Gvidnrer and the Harnmel~s, <br /> Also prior to lir, Dennis ifi:_i.dmero s test:irnony9 the Iiarnrnelr s law;ye-r con'tacbed <br /> i~ir, Yariss to see i~° anythi_n~; could be doxre to avoid going 'to trial, <br /> Parks informed t.'ne attorney that the manure pile should he removed and <br /> the barn moved, '.['he Hamelrs attorney started th.-;t the manure pile had <br /> been removed, and Aix< ;amme:l_ xaould move the barn to ~rrherever t-lr. '~lidurer <br /> crished, However' when everyone went to loo:c at the location of the <br /> barnA it oras deter;nined that 'the barn L~ras in the proper locat',ion9 and <br /> tkrat I~ir, .;i.dmer could not see the barn from hi;; house, <br /> Page a10- <br /> <br />