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<br /> r;liv U`i's:f <br /> City Council <br /> (Goxrb~ d> ) <br /> F'ebrua.:cy 6, x.980 <br /> Councilmaxi De;3ace cornrnented that there is some property oraned by <br /> lrrarikie I~raata:tone that may be desirable for the senior citizen <br /> housing develor}nien't, <br /> 'i'he ttorney stated thatlr. Scheier will :~ieet with the other Demers <br /> of the property along County !toad C and wall let the City :mow hor. <br /> much they runt for the land, i•'iay'or Hanson suggested. that t:ney may <br /> s~ n <br /> want some sort of trade-o-~~. ~.or tine :Land to the Ci'y. <br /> Councilman Fahey stated that the Scheier property is becoming le>s <br /> and less attractive as the site for the senior. citizc;n housing' <br /> development, l~'ahey also stated tixat the price of the Vitale property <br /> is beyond reach. <br /> Airs, Scaze started that kLr, Vitale may coine back to the City c~rith a <br /> better price. <br /> Fahey suggested that perhaps tkre City could float a bond issue fo.r <br /> the Vitale property and divide iL into two two-acre pieces. The :first <br /> -two-a.cre piece could be priced a;t V909000 and used for the senior <br /> citizen development, and the secor:id crro-acre piece could be Higher <br /> priced and used for. somethixig else, <br /> A~layor Hanson suggested that tlxe City could set up its oem housing <br /> a.utPiorzty, Deksa,ce stated that lie felt the C:~-ty should not get invo:lveci <br /> with its own authoriay, I'aYiey suggested that the Gity check <br /> with ivir. Vitale and see i:f he ~,,* consider sl>liting the property, <br /> i'Yre City could then float a, bond taith its own housing authoriay <br /> and then transfer the property 'to the Archdiocese, <br /> The .Attorney stated that 'the City could probably float a bond i"or <br /> vublic use. <br /> Mayor Hanson stated that the City :lttorixey should contact ,.-x, Vitale <br /> and try to negotiate a be'iter price for the Vitale property. Fahey <br /> suggested -that the sittorney also check into the various funding <br /> proposals that may be available to the City. I''ahey suggested. that the <br /> City could also have a referenduxra an the subject, <br /> Councilwoman Scalze suggested that the Attorney contact k'rasrkie <br /> k~ratta,lone to see i:f his property might be available. <br /> Uniform Mrs, Scalze informed the Council that the 14etro Ieamily t?,uthority <br /> Condorrani.wu the Ca.ty~s proposed Subdivision Ordinance, It was reported <br /> ,rot that the Senate is considering passage of a IIniform Condominium :1ct, <br /> In that act there a.s a pre-ernptory clause that states that no other <br /> ordinance may regulate conclominiwn structures if it does not a:Lso <br /> regulate apartruent structures, If this bill passes9 it ~,aould render <br /> the Cityrs Subdivision Ordinance null and void as it concerns condorniniwns< <br /> Page a9- <br /> <br />