<br /> rLLtvU`rsS
<br /> City Gounci_i.
<br /> (Cont~d,)
<br /> I~'ebrua,ry 139 19Yf0
<br /> 1.4r, k'ahoy introduced. tYze }'ohlozaing resolution and moved its adoption;
<br /> Rt~:SGLUT:COi~ IdO, i;OM2-82 i'i`zk`SL.:udC 11C`.ClOty ON T,'CL; COtillOi:il:til:ui'~1
<br /> GLtllliJ~i\CL; Ukdl'IL JUP]l: 19 1)80 UP]T;;v:;` J1at; ~~rl>T'i; :LLCrI:iC,A`_'•'ii[?
<br /> liCTS iL;IrC1'~ T1iiA1.' llli`1'I!; oiV .I.TS PItGPOS1!~ll UAfI1rGi3i'rI CC1~IDOY!liidlUk'1
<br /> SGT
<br /> The foregoing resolution Daas duly seconded by i~1r> Sanson,
<br /> .ayes (5) 1•ahey9 Hansoxz9 J7e3a.ce9 APadea:u9 Sca,lze,
<br /> Hayes (0),
<br /> Resolution deela.-red adopted,
<br /> This resolution appears in k~esolntion liook tin. 6, Page 5'2,
<br /> llelinquent `Phe r}ttorney stated that he has writbexz a letber to F'Ir, Tonz Durray9
<br /> Sewer Y'sill 'the o~,~ner of lIoggsbreath9 concerning their del.:lnnuent sewer b:i.ll,
<br /> lloggsbroa:tYz Tho City Cleric reported that 1logCgsbreatkz has now paid. their bi.l.l.,
<br /> Senior 'nc~: rattorney reported 'that Yze contacted 11r, 'Jl.tale to try to neg'otia;te
<br /> Citicen a lozaer purchase price For hi.s property nea:c tkze I.4arlcetplace, i;Ir.
<br /> ;iousing Vitale in:iorrned the •ttox•ney thaa he could not se:11 tkze prope'rb,y
<br /> for less that ,;;1,~0 per square foot, 't'his price is too high for
<br /> the coxzcept of the senior citicerz housing development to be feasible,
<br /> `a'he ti.ttorney xeported that Nir, Vitale dial suggest that he :nad another
<br /> ;piece oi' propert; 'that ti,;as closer to the 1~lar.cetplace that was about
<br /> 3/ia o:F an acre that he s~;ould sell to the City £o.r the kzousinf development,
<br /> rlr. Vitale Drould se1.l this 3/4 of an acre together with another 3/1~,
<br /> of an. acre of tkie property the Ca.'t;y c,; as o.rigina_lly considering and.
<br /> this would probably 'oe at a cost that the City cou:Ld rzffbrd>
<br /> Mayor. Ranson stated -that the a~lcidamara .pr. oper'ty is available for th_cs
<br /> developrnext, ;lanson stated that i~ir, A~zcN~unara. is welling t;o sell the
<br /> property anti let the City develop it, 'Che ~'.~ttorney reported thai he
<br /> ta,l.kecl to :r3r, i+icivamara about has property, and he is Drilling to sell
<br /> for 4,)09000, `.ibis i.s the price that 'bb.e Ciay would be a_~lowed 'to
<br /> spend for the purchase of land for a senior. citizen developrnent,
<br /> Tize 'ltuorney stated that c?r, -icNa,aara zzas three acres oY' property9
<br /> he irould sell. the City twe acres and give 'the City the other acx•e,
<br /> i~lr, 1°Ir,IVasaara would li.lce one a.c:re of` the land let`t green,
<br /> rzr, 'iVadeau stated chat he did n.ot :Li.;e tb.c; Vitale property for the
<br /> development because it is too near the railroad tracks.
<br /> Councilman I~'ahc:y c.onunented that trze nr i , nbors o:P t:ne ilcz,arna;°<• property
<br /> might not be happy about Che sexziox• citizen housing de~elopz;zent going
<br /> i.xz near them, C;ouncihaoman Scalze suggested that the City hold a rneet;ing
<br /> bo get the feeling of the neighborhood. The ittorney suggested that at-
<br /> that rneet:i.ng9 tYze Courzoil have some ;oictures to show 'the people what
<br /> the developrnent would.:Look line,
<br /> Page ~,17-»
<br />
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