i•11E~~, O'I'13S
<br /> City Couxrcil
<br /> I'ebruary ~.3, :1.900
<br /> lrina.i `i'he C:Lty 'inE;yneer recorruaend.e~i approva.I, of f_ixra_l. payment to Gr:i.d.or
<br /> I'ay,aent To Construction in tb.e amount oz y1~1G8.00 for =aor.c doxze oxr tEre ~Urater.
<br /> Gridor booster station.
<br /> Construction.
<br /> 1~•r, iianson introduced the follora:ing resolution and moved its adopti.o.no
<br /> `L'SSUJ OT]:Oly 1N0° uO-_2-.07 n'P[iOV:CIIG ~''li~I1L Pr,YA43k?'I xv (r%tJ:DCR
<br /> C0ta51stUG5.'IO~ 1:;d T~~~ lfiOUiGi OF E~a.,1O8,00
<br /> '.~kre for•egoa.n.~; resolution seas du:l.y seconded by P2r, UeJace,
<br /> byes (j) anson9 iiei?acey t;Ia.deau.9 :E~ahc:y9 aca7.ze,
<br /> ieayes (U).
<br /> ,;eso:Lution declared. artopted.,
<br /> i'ixis resolution apps-,ars :in hesol.ut`ron I?oolc 'ido, G, x'a~;e
<br /> [°,orrisoxx The tlttorxzay reported that he kzas a .l tkre easements necessary 'to begin
<br /> 1'~venue worx on the siorri.son and iY:ca9enecny pro,toct excopt for bhe Lang ea esnent,
<br /> Once this easement is received, wor caxr begin,
<br /> Cther i'he Engineer reported that he is draza:i.n; up th© dr:4:i_i,~~ne easezrAents
<br /> Easenrerrts for the 7.'erraee IIe~4.ghts Tra_i.lcr C017..rt.
<br /> Litt:Le Counc:i_lmaxi l~~~a.deau instructed the C_l:by Clerk to send a letter to
<br /> Carra.da Litt7.e Canada Chopper, requesti.n, that they dl.ean up thea.r premises,
<br /> Chopper
<br /> Tabling `i'he City elttorn.ey requested -the opportunity to review the proposed
<br /> A~~option 5ubdivisioxr Ordinance before the Council adopts i~t,
<br /> (Jf T'he,
<br /> Subdi.vi;;iorr ,i:r, k`hey introduced the £oJ_locrir,E; .resolutiox anti moved its rxdoptaon:
<br /> Ordinance
<br /> ~ESOLU`.C:LOrA te0, dC-2m88 w `P61FSL:CNG ~OOPT'10:U OJ~' 1'}IE i'PtOP O.SliD
<br /> SU31_'i1~715I0]'v 0itiJ:CPds NC=, UI'J"ill, Tt1L Ni ~`d' .ZL;CUIa,'xE> COUi~ICIL
<br /> ~'1;li'I'7:\~G
<br /> T'he foregoing resolution *aas duly seconded. by I4r, Nadeau,
<br /> Ayes (5) t~ahey9 I.Vadeau9 lanson9 Sc,a,lze, )~eLace,
<br /> Diayea (0) ,
<br /> 1resolu.t:ion declared adopted.
<br /> Phis resolution appears :i.n ikesoluti.on Book Po, 6, 1'a.ge 55,
<br />
<br /> 01d L5.tt1.e The hire Depa.r~trnent sent a letter 'co the Council staaing~-that they are
<br />
<br /> Canada, in .favor of the C9.ty purchasing the pld :Gitt:l.e Cana.d.a Sckzool buildin{,
<br />
<br /> School
<br /> Couxicia.rnaxx Uadeau stated 'tha't S.f the C9.t;y bought the bua.ldangy some
<br /> day the City Center couad. poss:ib7.y move into the building,
<br /> 1•]ayor f[anson cozrunonted that no'bhing ca:n be done urrt5.l the City gets
<br /> a price on. the bui.ld:i.nE,
<br /> Page -.21.~
<br />
<br />