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1tCLit U`1':u°~ <br /> (Gont9d>) <br /> k'ebruary :1.3, 19Go <br /> i,etter .'Mayor Manson procla.:Lrneci the wee}t of I~'ebruary 21. tnrougn [-'iarch 19 19f30 <br /> 'uVri'tirag as National Letter° `,JrlainZ; 'ideo}: in the City o.f Little Canada., <br /> !reek <br /> kieveriy Iraayor i:anson stated that Yae wiskzed to publicly thane Gounc:i.:Lvroman <br /> Sca:Lze 3ca,"lze for. al'1. the school district meetings she aaterlded regarding <br /> the closing o:f i~a.:irviei~ Jun:i.or :H'~r;rl School, <br /> t~Sayor Hanson reported {;hat lra,:i..rvie,a ~unio.r tIigh Scklool ,vas cJ.osed. <br /> by the school. d::i.str:i.ct rather than Capital lrieor ,junior, <br /> Vacation P7x, Carrier :is requesting that i3oss SZvad oe vacated, <br /> Gf Loss <br /> Road Councilman }Jei3ace stated that he talSed i;o cne people irz tYze area. <br /> and. 'they seer~aed to be :in favor of the north portion of Loss Road <br /> beiu{; vacated., bust d:i.d. not or<ant the sou'tYl portioYl vacai;ed, <br /> Courlc:Ll requested S•Ir. Carrier to submit to there a, petition for. the <br /> vacation of Boss Road, Once the petition is receivecl9 the Council <br /> caxl call a public nearing regarding the vacation, <br /> Street Councilman Del>ace stated that lzE; *,roul.ct have ;.Zoger Gza.nzer determine <br /> Lights a..;.' the developer of P:L<anna Lane submitted a, street light f'o.r. <br /> Dianna izis devel.opnzent, <br /> Larne <br /> The City received a reque:;t fora .i.ight on ll:i.anna Lane9 and Council <br /> ararlts to determine 1.f -teat light caas :I.ncl.uded :zn an overall. <br /> for the street, <br /> F.Iesiden~tia:L Y~layor Hanson cormnented that the City has beery trying to get the speed <br /> Speed Limit :lSma.t Lowered on ;dgerton for years, 'here :i.s now legislation in the <br /> k3ill House that calls f'or th.e reduction of .resiclerrt;i.a:1 speed liznit;s, <br /> t~}r, Manson introduced the S'o:1.l.owin~; resolution and moved its adoption: <br /> tLSULUTICiV NO> u0-2-89 _ .;1PPRCVIN(.^tSPi, COaICLYi' pA, <br /> `~'f1C PtpPOS}s'D iii"iSID!i;idi'i11, SNEii3I) LTi".~S'T f3ILL:'I <br /> the foregoing r.eso3ution .vas duly seconded by Nix> Nadeau. <br /> byes (5) Iiansorz, t~Ia.deau, 5calze~ DeP;a.ce, Yahey, <br /> }'dat'es (0), <br /> Sesolution declared adopted, <br /> 'f17.S reSOl.U:tlOYl appears in Resolution }ook :i~(o> U9 Page 50, <br /> Opticorn '1'kze Opticom System *ai.ll be installed on County roads, Councilman <br /> <br /> System DeL'ace reported that a:Ll r;he C.i.ty9 s signarLs are oraned by the State <br /> e:xc:ept fore' tine signa,:L on Country iirive, I)e:Gace started that the <br /> City will.:ceep the County i_ni'orrned as to ?ana,t it wants under tYais <br /> 5yS~{; eIn, <br /> Pa(;e -22w <br /> <br />