i~iIi'U l'i ;S
<br /> City Council..
<br /> (Coni;vd, )
<br /> T~'ebruary 13, 1980
<br /> Plan Check `.l'he Attorney stated 'tha't he has reviecaed the Plan Check ~(evieta
<br /> Rev:Lerr Contract subznitted by i`iorth*aest Associated Consultants and it
<br /> Contract al~peaxs to be l..xT order,
<br /> ivfr. Fahey introduced the .following rosolution and moved its adoptions
<br /> rt;sSOLUTION N0. i30-~?_-95 - ;!YPROVINC'r `i'z(ii; PL AP: CHSCEi
<br /> ZZdV Cr,';,' CG\ 1zu1C1 ?nI"Ar; i?Oit'PI,' 'ST ''.SuOC:l:11'1'Fi;D COi1SUL`i".fll~'T
<br /> %'he foregoi.ng .resol.utioxT Tans duly seconded by -,r, Pdadeau,
<br /> Ayes }'ahey, i~iadeau9 Scalzc9 UeBace, Manson.
<br /> I9ayes (0),
<br /> resolution declared adopted,
<br /> This resoJ.ut:io.n appears in Iiesolut9.on Look P;o, v, Page j9,
<br /> Paying `:iher1r, iVadeau i_xTtroduced the follotain resolution and Tnoveci its adoption;
<br /> Vouchers
<br /> li1;SOLUTTO;'u A?0, ti0-?_-.9u - AT''IZOV:Ii~iG T13is P:SY.i~i'lt~'i,
<br /> CF JL; VOUCM~;'w
<br /> '.i'he fore;oing' resolut:i.on cra.s dLi1y seconded by 14r, Manson,
<br /> Ayes Nadeau, '.Ianson9 heF;ace, Sca.l.re9 I'ahey.
<br /> Pdayes (0),
<br /> resolution declared adopted,
<br /> Tili.s rE;SO-LUt1.OT1 ap JE)aTS In 1i~,SOltit7.On i5001t I'?O, U' i'a~~(: j~,
<br /> Shex•i:Ff+s taayor ila.nsoxr rep or~bed that 1'4ayor '~~aadel. has suggested that 2.f the
<br /> Contract Sheriffs Contract gets out-of-linep the surroundinn; cities shou:Ld
<br /> consider forming their o~:~n association, f.'or pol.i.ce pro'tect:i_on.,
<br /> C, C. Ludwig Councilman Fahey reported that the I.ea„ue of P~finnesota Cities has
<br /> Award inquired i..-i the City is interested :in nominating one of its
<br /> citizens for the C, C. I~udta:i.~; kvrard for distinr;uished riunicipal
<br /> Service,
<br /> Council had no norninati.ons for this aora.rd,
<br />
<br /> >djourn S~Lr, Nadeau introduced tb.e follo~aing resolution anal. moved its aciopl;iorr;
<br /> t~'~ISOI:,Ul'101z! id0, 80-2-.97 ADJOUIiNT.NO
<br /> Tike :foregoin r. esoluti.oxr Ural duly seconded. by idir, T~'a'rzey,
<br /> t,;yes Iladeau~ I~'a:ney, Sca].ze, Ranson, De}a.ce,
<br /> Pdayes (0),
<br /> ,`.tesolution. declared, adopted,
<br /> This rosolution appears i.n ktc;sol.uti.on 1:?oo~c I~'o, 6, :t'a~;e b0.
<br /> `i'"mere be:Lng no further busixaess~ the meeting was adjourned at ].2.,p2 A,i~a,
<br /> ztespectfully' sub,ni tte,~9
<br /> i
<br /> iiathl.een Glanc,er9 Re;corna.ng .;sere ary
<br /> z'age .~2j'.,
<br />
<br />