<br /> I'i_L 14 J`: Lim i
<br /> C7:
<br /> t~y COUn.C1..L
<br /> (Cont,~
<br /> -iay 19is0
<br /> It eras the opinion of the r~i.torney that the motion dS.ed due to a
<br /> ~ti.e vote, The ~~zatter may be reconsi.de:eeci a;t this meeting i.;' the
<br /> absent Counc:i.1 person appeo,rs.
<br /> Since tl'aere :fs n.o ti_rae ai~ni't on a den:i.al9 tho <rpl,licar.t may re~appl.y
<br /> lo.r a license, but rnus't i'vlLoca -the procedures as a new appli_canb,
<br /> i'rvposed he Ca.e.r:c l~:resented to the Council ~'or a.i;s z•evie~a a proposed ;,anitary
<br /> 1c7~0 Sev~ex• ipera:lion '''sudEe:t for 1<)ii0, toh:ich :i.s to be adopted. a:t 1;ne Wert
<br /> Set,er Counc:i.J_ naeetin,-,
<br /> iiucig et
<br /> zn( proposc^d 'arr~ bary Sc,=se-r. Cpe3 ai,x.on 3ud <; for 1960 i~ :1.'75~Lf95,00<
<br /> _P,c 1argc~~ :1.nerea~s x.n t~ e: budgie ~ z.s tnv ,;et;ro Serer GAatirge oC w:j~l,~ i0,00,
<br /> iic,tr•o~s c,h~cCe in ].976 ~rv~ ',13,1alfi.00, 11 app~ar> that XZe s(~~er
<br /> rate rna,} have to ne incxeased by jl,yb frog ,1):).t,OC per. year to kJ~0,00
<br /> yvr year ~k'hosc v,econr:b~ char[;c(i by raa_P use gill have tlieix rabes
<br /> ~n.~r(asec~ ~ro'rn b 50 pe'r 1'000 gillorzs o~ *taaer fo t[,60 cents .i,er L,000
<br /> gallons. `ihe last ;;eirer raise increase Baas i.n :L9'l ~i't that ~i.me the
<br /> tabs increased ~rorn tp3~.OC to i(f4.00>
<br /> Swnrnary rir, i'etex• Corte, appeared be:Sore 'the Council on ~qe~€z:Li of biro, Jenny
<br /> Jenny Gota. o... 3030 Cez ;ervz.ll( tioaa lever. ta~.u.ing bo a. al.?:ch easeraenu .[or
<br /> 1
<br /> id. Clnvxovemcn~ 7~- ,
<br /> Cosi;a C.i.'tCh , 16 az i'`7' 1
<br /> v . ement
<br /> :r. Costa, addressed the <atF,orney ~aa.tYz a qu.o:>tion concEZn~nl; the differena
<br /> • ~ .
<br /> types oi' ea„,^ernents axad the ,~ti,orney expla.:rnea ~o i~ir.. Costa she (11.Fi'er.(srit
<br /> ease;nents>
<br /> :i'lr. Cos~ba, px•esentod to the ll~'t-tox•neg~ a, copy os' a su:r•vey sho~;irz„ the
<br /> i7:l.tCh E)a;i eti'4Er1i. O~Ter "tile Jenny ~i0ut:7, property, i!Cr, i~arlSS Ct1e C.<ed.
<br /> the document grad informed ~+ir, Costa that tin:i.s dvoumcnl; was not the
<br /> correct easemena, '.["ne kttorn(:y :Eu:rtner s.ndicai;ed th:a.t the ease~rient
<br /> raas r.•ezTised a, year la;i;e-r, i-ir, Costa. responded. that this :i.s the only
<br /> ensemera~e that he :is aware oS ~P,'r,.at Cr9s presented io ;tiirs, Costa, life
<br /> also a;>',cc;d that bh.c: l,ttorney ax•esent flea; :~:asenlent Gl;ree,rerlt Contract,
<br /> ~u.e City (.ter]c rv. ~n °tlucl,cci co review l~zts records pectail;:ing, c;o
<br /> „na.s iaattexy chvc,.c ;r c.~;h brae 'i?xz[ z.neer aua the attorney and report his
<br /> {':irx7ints to tAAe C:i:ty Cvunc:il.,
<br /> L'olnprehens~.ve P' r 13ra.d ti:1 elsouy Yaere an li per. ~ (f Ex re( ~o ? ~ t e Gl ty Y1.nraer9 presented.
<br /> i'l.axi to 'the Cou.nci_.l for its revaet-, ~ proposed coninL oxo:i.nance.
<br /> '['he x'l:azaner :i_naa.cated that ttze.re axe tyro pales reYerr:i.nl to fences,
<br /> pages :L6 <an.ct 19, of which there are two sets of these pages. The
<br /> first page 18, paragraph F-2 states:
<br /> i,oca.t:i.ons e .alil. fences shall be J..oca~ed en i; ~:re i.y aeon tine
<br /> pro ~erty o~ the :Fex rc oi' l ize o~arzc r un1 c s > she o4ar1 r of :,'re
<br /> adJozr'~1ng ;xopcr.•ty srec; 9 an *,ax•i .ing9 tnzu such (nee uza,y
<br /> be ere;c~eu. on ~l;he ~1rol,ert;; t.:i.ne v.' the xe,>pcc-c'ivc properi,ies.
<br />
<br />