i'.il-i,d J ..J 0.~` `,v .>k'T C` ~a,1, I ,~~i ; Ji~G
<br /> C ~^`Y CCiui,.,,..,
<br /> i i Lt; it ilr" ~A y P' 1 ~ I! SG'Y'.Ei
<br /> ia.y 2iiy lyd0
<br /> Pursuant to duc; ca.:11 rand notice the:reo£ a specia,:i. laeet.ixlg' o£ tYae
<br /> Council o:P thr~ C-t.~by o£ '~ittie; G~.nuday .LuzaTaesot:r. *.-aas ka~1c on the
<br /> ?8t'sl d.ay o£ iay'9 a.>Ho irl tkae Council Chambers o:E' i;he: City Center
<br /> .Locaaed af; ~1.5 :Gitble Canada i~;oad .-zz sa~.d C:ccy,
<br /> iho l~iayor, r~~lr, _~ayrnond kiansarly cb+.:t.rea 'zr.e ca. eei the ncr"~a.:ng "o
<br /> order at 7:1.,0 i', lit,
<br /> iu 1'Jliukli-i 1'lt[' ~i,l~i °ic.y Ol.^ A'~iTo l~'L1.yalOnC). lYansoa).
<br /> CiounC].l(I18.T1 1:'kro :iObBT"L .i)eiis.CB
<br /> Count i.lnaara ir:r, A"i.ckla.el .'r'ahe;y
<br /> Coo.ncilL~roiaaz:i ~',rs. Beverly Sc~.llr,e
<br /> .~~~!:ill.i',L'g COUnCllnaal"1 i"ir. ~,0y A'iaG.@B.Uy uY'o
<br /> ^ I Sty i:'i,'x` '14'1.'a City G1~ri; Dlr, Joseph CYl:iebeckc
<br /> C:i.ty t'i%torzacy ,t7,, Claytozl i'a.
<br /> rj(g
<br /> C:it;y ,.'latlnc:c i4r, Yrad i~iielson
<br /> ziecord.in„ Secretary ;-rs, fai,h:Leen Glazlzer
<br /> `.CYIe City C:l.eric annouxlced th,~;t "hlzere ~fras a. Ciuo:c'ura of i;kle Council Y,x'<;sent.
<br />
<br /> :,cz'lior i"ir., u:Lcl ;~c,'rzric:c9 .represen~in~ ituund :G-ake :\:;sociates9 L,pe.a.red bc£ore
<br /> Citizen "the C':ouncil, The Councih asked :Nr, Schrier 'co a.ppea.r as toni~htzs
<br /> iou ,a.ng zaz,E'c:i.ng so that the,yr could. discl)ss iaii;n P'~r. Schrier t:nc, poss:i.hili.ty
<br /> of ~i;ne deve:l.opnlent o£ a senior citizen klousirag project on a. portion
<br /> oi' bkle property owned by the Round I:,a~e lssociates 1.ocaaed on Cousrty
<br /> kioad C<
<br /> is9r', Seh.rier :indicated to f;he Council that l~le £elt thi-s ~~aou.ld be a
<br /> looci i~-se for tFae property, i'lr, Schrier and.icatod. to the Council ttzab
<br /> rze ~n~as completely open and 1ae;c b1-e on this subject,
<br /> tii:r, Schrier 3na'.orraed the Council that he has a, prerty that is interested
<br /> in a, po:c'tion o:E this property also, ?s, ;;chrier ,,>taaed that; "th.is
<br /> arty znigh.t also be isltex'estc;d iza. beinv tree devol.ope-r on such ta. project.
<br /> -iayor. iiaxzson. znc.',:i.cated 'to -r, ch:cier. that i;he City `i.s `i.nterestecl .n
<br /> sue porl,lorz o:C property ~lozaC; Gounuy Iioa,c C that .is zonEd i~t-3a
<br /> r~x, riaxa on. askew ;ir, Sch,ier 9.fi he solo a;his property to the; C~ty9 ;could.
<br /> zir. ;chri.er. be deaelopinf the .rerna:i-xl:i:n€; property, and :P so, zah<at .,*ouid.
<br /> .it be,
<br /> lair, .~,chr:i..er indica"i:ed twat 1'le 9.s cornp:ietely £:Lexi.bie ora the deve:Loprnen't
<br /> of the ; z'operty, A4:r, u-chr--ier sta:bed tb.at he would be receptive "to
<br /> planna.nF; ~bhe entire parcel o£ propertyy>,
<br /> k~.lr, :-;c:a:cier asked i.f an t;xlvironrnenta,l. Lrapact atudy" ~rould be necess~.ry
<br /> ozk this property, Couxlcilznun :whey stated blar.t the Council shou:td.
<br /> z'rorry about arl 3nvirorunenta]. :Cznpact study only .'l:Pter a pa.ece o f property
<br /> is ptarchased;
<br /> i'tzr;e ~-J.-
<br />
<br />