City Council
<br /> (Conte)
<br />
<br /> Arty 28, 1~Q0
<br /> Gouncilzrran ftaey asked edx•, uckzx'icr i.:f he would be interested in
<br />; th5..s property for senivx' c1t_izen housing, .frir, Schrier
<br /> replied that *rrould be a possibility,
<br /> i;ouncil~na:a .'.'whey stated thaC if' 1'ira ;}ehr_ier is dc:f:ixrite:Ly .nteresteci9
<br /> the Courzci:l should be rz,:zpl.y:i.n~, For a graxzt to purchase the property
<br /> in. tine event tlxat fir, 6chrier doesn~b cioalif'y9 arrcl the City xaould,
<br /> havo ~tkzat possibi:l.i~ty covered,
<br /> I<ir, ,>chr.:ier :i.nformsd +,he Coune:il thaa :i.f ttzey felt it iaas irz order
<br /> :PpY• kCptlnd ]~a1ce il.uSOC1atE.;s tU ~,E'v :I.nV01"Ved :Ln "tkle SeYl:tOx' C:L"tl.zen
<br /> housing, tizen he ,rould. get 1z i.s partner. s i,nvo:l:ved, t4r•, Schrior
<br /> inforrrAed tb,e Council that the other party interested in b.he property
<br /> does understand that the serzi.or citizen housing; development couad. be
<br /> a, poss:i.b:ility,
<br /> Councd.luzazr. Fahey stated tha.~t he zaou:ld. to see the i~t-1 pox~tiorz o:P
<br /> this property reaaa:.i.n b:-1 axxd st:cici;ly cozzcen'i;rate on the 1-3 portion,
<br /> :;ouraci:Luran lie,`;r>.c.^. saS.d. that ire ,could 1:i1ce to see bhc: senior czticen
<br /> development have a po.rtiorz of property so that they could go ba,clc to
<br /> the lake, Deliace a.1so s'taaed tkzat he teas not opposed to toranYzouses
<br /> or <luads bean; developed on the rerna.ining ,(>roperty,
<br /> Councilraarz rahey stsLted. tkzat i_f thr. City goes =with a p.r. i.vat;e devc;~_ope.r
<br /> the; ;a:ill have 'to put in some rnoderai:e :income hous.i.n.{, i'he Cii;y 'vron9 t;
<br /> 1;et approval for funding for just se;n:i.or ciaizens wii;hout 7.ow
<br /> hour Lnl ,
<br /> i~1ayor 1laason stated that once the; Cii;y finds out a11. the facts9 it array
<br /> discourage the Clay :Prom going; ahead with the developrnenta Fianso:a sta:bed
<br /> 'that; the C:iay should {;et a p.r. oposal on a, portion of bhe proper. ty so that
<br /> an op'f;7_on can. be vrorlsed out ~:nd then tho City can apply fora ;rant,
<br /> Counc:il:marr Dei3ace stated that tkze Council ;hould ha:ae i~ir, Sekzrier. come
<br /> bads with mkzat he mould do ca:i:th the property,
<br /> Sf,r. , ~chrier in.dica,ted "to the Council. t;haa then p.rooerty that 7.s zoned.
<br /> reside;ntaal along County i~oa.d C is a, prob:lern, N.1r, Sch:cier stated tha,i•
<br /> szsz~:le farn_ily housing on Couxxty lio<td C is obsolete, Counci_lrnan De1;>
<br /> agreed, Coun,cilrnarr Fahey inclica;ted. that b.e ~rould not shut the door on
<br /> -xrry i'UTi proposal.o
<br /> Councih'na.n DeBa,ce suggestod tkx7t the C:i.~ty Planner try 'to de'Cermine
<br /> what th.e senior c:i.tizen housing development should consis"t of and came
<br /> back: wi.~th a..proposalq Couneilmaxz Dei3are suggested thai; two bui.ldi..ngs
<br /> *~iould be more dE~s_i.ra:ole, 2•irm Sc:a.r:le-r. :i.ndicated that there; :i.s bette:r
<br /> design :faer>ibi.:Lity * tao buildirz~-s,
<br /> l:ourzcilzran Fahey i.ndacated that 1:,r, ,:>c.hrier skzould. go to kris pa.rtnex•s
<br /> and in:Pozxn them. that tine City i~oul.d la. ice an option on the front 1/2 o:E'
<br /> the R~3 portion o:L' ~i;'neir property, ~thab i;he City zaoul.d possibly
<br /> be ~.n'teresBeal axz 'the %tounc7.:I:,arce 5oc.ia.tes a tkze develo-per on.
<br /> a seniox citizen. honsint; pro,-ject, i7so i.f the City buys ~bb.e :P:cont 1%7_
<br /> of ytine propertyy the i;ity is interested in. krzovzing ranat ~caa.i.a be done
<br /> C
<br /> LI TiAA ~ ,
<br /> e r.erna.ln~.n~„ vortron ox. the, ,ro.>eJ'rty'o Yr c;ne Cx.ty can gat an
<br /> ,
<br /> op',,.rori o:o. t,ae :f. ron.t .A./Z o:E' c,rre groper.'f;y9 i:b can apply 1:'o:c a, r;rraxi't,
<br /> Pane -2-
<br />
<br />