<br /> City 'v`ounc:i.l
<br /> (font,)
<br /> t-,~a,yr 2&9 19l)G
<br /> GO:CP. lair, Clayton Ctor'6 O:f !j(.Lj t'10S'rJ.S On liVBnAB appeared be£'Orf', t}.1P, COL1nC2.1
<br /> E.'e,I':LaT"4C8 r(>gtLeat approva.k. O7: & var:I, ~`1nCP, t0 COns iJ'i1C't a f~araf'e C a,r]Ci 1~2
<br /> £eet :from l:is property :Line, z~ir, C';ore prese:ated this same request
<br /> to the Counc:i.l at a.t last Iietular,• Counc:i.:l, ieet:i.n sLnd e.Tt t;ha,t
<br /> the Oounci_]£'er.:red. the matter to the :isui.ld.a.n inspeci;o.r„
<br /> The Buildi.rrg :Lnspector inspecbed the property and ina°.orrued tkTe Coruzcil.
<br /> tklat tkTe 1.ot does presorlt d.z:E` :for the: constxuc'tion of a, gar. age
<br /> rritk:out a var:ia.nce, arxci :indicated that skaould fi;lie variance be f;ra,ntedq
<br /> i.t should oc with the approaaa o;' i;he rxcighpor o1' the Gore property,
<br /> The C1o:ceas rTeighbor, .N)x, Yeterson9 Pras sul:rmitbed to the Counc9.(. a.
<br /> letter ind:icert_irig thai; kae does not object to the 'variance bc>.inFg granted,
<br /> Council expressed some concera~. that the. overhang o£ -the proposed garage
<br /> would be even close:c ~to tkTO Peterson property than ~bhe 2 arad 1~2 £eet,
<br /> P'7r, Gore 9ndioated i;haa 33r. , 1'et;erson. e,ep,ressed no concern over. this,
<br /> Co'uracilmaxa Fahoy suggested tliat:Ps, 1'e;tersorr shou).d initial the diagram
<br /> o£ the garage so that Council has it on reco:cd. thab .tAr, Peterson Baas
<br /> aware o£ tb.e overhang,
<br /> Councilwoman Scalze stated ~thaa she was not that this rna't'i,er would
<br /> be on `LOr11g}1T o S agenda and. has not had an. opporturici y to vie*.r the Goro
<br /> property,
<br /> itir, Hanson i:o.troduced the £oLlow:ing resoluti.on.and moved its a<9option:
<br /> iv`b'SOCi)T:COiA V0, EJ0~5-193 _ (.Rr`shr':CN4 i'HJ3: V11?1.1Mi,L :~'Gti T.I~L3 k'Qz?_PGST
<br /> CF GGi ~T'i2UC7l'iG z1 UT i~~G:, . '.,C~UL.~1~1~ .3Y' iA_e, UC.>v, .t1L ~,~,t,lRlbiC}
<br /> `at.E:~J Tii; );UlL11I:D1G 'lti'uP'SC`.i.'Gli .tivSPISC' i.'IIi:• LGGaIi'IG't~' G' T3Iti:. SLlxT;
<br /> `.CO "1dSUE? P11:11' :I:`C GGiiYI J:i35 ~ lT.ii kJb?.i JL'i. C`G'_±..~ H:1S 1"wS,.E;iJ`li~D ":'G
<br /> TIL C'CUI'dC:CL Ak7D I~UAt`t'~lI It 71_;I~UJkaDIG tI"tl[ i'Itt r'~ i°~;PwG1d9 idiC ;~~,-,(CiN:i3Gi:z
<br /> OF k'IK, GC.Pt7;, 11CS`1':L.f, IiIT; BiJCi i)1:.iuG r'1 SiEIT ~PLtCaATi011 I:NDTGLl1'SPdG
<br /> i1S .~^xk'i'?07I.AL
<br /> The So.regoing resolution was dusty seconded. by fix, Faiaey,
<br /> rives (3) Ianson9 lrahey, :i)elsace,
<br /> ivayes (0),
<br /> Mrs, Scalze abstained,
<br /> Resolution declared adopted,
<br /> Tlz~.s resolution appears i.n Resolution 1)oolc tiro, 6, .Page :L23,
<br />
<br /> i+kc,Curnher. %~ax, lanson reported thaw I~ir•, i4cCtuntx-;r has requested That the Counci]. agat.n
<br />
<br /> 1~latter cons:i.der approval o£ a franca straighten.inr; and urheel alignment license
<br /> ,:or 1~1'.r, I7ah1, Nir, Dahl i.s approval o:f th9.s 1.i.cense so 'that
<br /> :ne can operate such a business on the P'icCwr~ber p,roper'ty located a,t tkre
<br /> intersec-Mon of County I~Zoad :E3 and. lsdgerton Street, .i~lr, l~Ianson in:E'o.rmed
<br /> the Council that; 'the License; P'Tr, Dahl is applying £or i.s .fox a lre:enritted
<br /> use under the zoning o:C the ideCuraber property sand thab i;he :License a~rould
<br /> come up .for. rene;wa:t,
<br /> J'a.go >-J,i-
<br />
<br />