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t.ia'IU'1';S <br /> <br /> (;].~ty GOUl'zC1l <br /> (Cozzi, ) <br /> aiay 2v9 1.y~0 <br /> z'9r, Yau:L .P,.nder:;on,, an attorney represeni;i.z~ag i~ir. , i~~(cCumber. and l:~Cr. , llaha,., <br /> appeared before the Counoi7,., k'Lr, .tlzzderson roported that kze has reed <br /> the minutes o{' ~tkze Council meeta.ngs and listened to tYze tapes o:(" the <br /> Council meetings a:t whi_ckz tkze I)a:nl arzcl 1'1cCturber arzatter vra,s d9.scussecl. <br /> From these tapes and mitzu4ea z~ir rnderson has delExrninen that the <br /> Gounci:L had Four concern. in ;rant~..rrg the licenile £or i1r Ozh.].. ~P':zese <br /> area 1, a concern whei;kaer or not ldward i:cCurnber kzad. oornp]:iod with. the <br /> k'].anxzer~s recormrzexzdation For b.a.s building s:ite9 2, cozzcern a.hout tkze <br /> nature of i~1r> Dalr)J s bus:i_ness operaa:i.oxz; 3> concern that the use proposed <br /> by iir, 'lla,h]. was cozrtrary to tho o.f]"_rce warehouse use that 1:'cr., 2'icCzzrdoer <br /> 9.nd:icaaod a;> the ixxbent for the building when the bu:ildin~; perm:i.t eras <br /> issued aszd; 4> concern. that the ~ fight industrial zoning o .iir.~, Y~eCtiunber~ s <br /> property wa,s 'Pspot zonedi' and°, :i.t rras ~~saoot tl::Ls use <br /> skzould n.ot be pe.rxn;'tted orz the; premises, <br /> Ai~.r,, elrzderson answer. ed. the Councilrs concerns .in a lei;ter which he <br /> sul:xn:z.tted to the Council, k~ir. , .Andersor,.:inL'orrned the Counci]. that 'lx•, <br /> iACCumber has made an ei'J'ort t,o pi.ek a good use for i;.Pxe property9 azx3. <br /> iix•, !znde;.rson a.sirecl t:na:t i;he. Coo:o.c:l.:l. grant ?.r. , l>,ah7. a ,•rnee]_ a:I.ignxnent <br /> z <br /> and f'ratne stra.igh'~ening i-tense, <br /> i'kze Pia:nner, stated that sane oi''the concerns he ebp:cessed over. the <br /> i>tcCuMoer propez^ty were the ]..andsraping and the si;orage bttii,ld:ing~s thaw <br /> rare o:n the ;>ii;e, <br /> Councilman De:Eace sta:Ced bYzat the C]=ty .has a. bond. t'or. tYze 1t3,n.dscapi'nF; <br /> ofi' tkYe >~ecnr,iber. ~oroper.~tp 1:f the land.>c.ap~ng is nou Bono properly, <br /> i,he City has -the bond., De'1`XCe a1 o sta~cd. ~theit Abe gexzerai conlracP,orzs <br /> skzed.°, on the property do not bother. :izim, <br /> .rZrs. Sca,lze s~ba.ted that the landscap:i.n.g o1' 'tho I~~fcGuznber ,property- hae <br /> nothing; to do wzan i~9r., Ua,h]_~s rectuest, znrs, Scalze stated that she <br /> was concerned with axz auto orionted busymoss opera.i;ing on the 1~1cCum"oor <br /> property, <br /> l,ounci.7z~aa,n Caney Stated that he was coxzv~rzced t} zt the .Li.cense ,~hou:.Ld <br /> be gra:ntEU> I~'a.nE,y stated he r~ias no's az,a~.n.~t gx'rncing the _LicPn;e prov:;_ded <br /> there :i.s no paint:i.n; or auto rs:pair wor.•lc clone on the proper't,Y< <br /> i~r. .(-.lcC~umbe:c indicabed, that -the hours of opera,t:i.oxz ~ermi_tbed on his <br /> property a:re fron 7 A,k'A. to 11 P,i~i, and no work peran5.tted orz Suxxdays, <br /> Only the people irz the mini-stora,~,e area, a,re pex•m]ated in on Sundays. <br /> Counc2]?roman ScaJze staffed ina.~ ~Fxarne ,~~ar'; ezkuzkrment is not <br /> szoa,ll iu ,,.ize, 1.F tkae (,oune;.a. revoked the )_icense9 it zroul<A be diFfi.cult <br /> ' ~ rerni.ncled tkze Council <br /> to move the eoau:ipment our quic.~i,~, Scal.ze a:l_so <br /> that the Cozruaiss:Lon recommended. the denial o.: tkris license, <br /> Councilman JJe3a,ce s'tatecl that ize vra,s xzot o; posed to g;rax.ting; the license <br /> now that tkze Couxzc:i.l has :~Cr. ~~.ndersoxz~ s ].cater. <br /> Counc:.ilwo~iran ,~ca1e also reminded the Cou:ac_i.l of the license fib recexzi;L-y <br /> dexzi.eci ]'or. the operation a° a die;>f>1. repa.:e• shop, <br /> 1''z~'e _j„ <br /> <br />